forum Template Reset
Started by @Katastrophic group

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@Katastrophic group

I can't find a way to reset my character template, and some quick searches show it has to be done manually? If it's possible could someone reset my template? Since I've actually started writing my characters I realize my edit of the template is very lacking.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey @Katastrophic, I don't have a way for people to reset their templates themselves yet since it's a relatively destructive/intensive process (the current implementation deletes all categories/fields and what you've answered, and then recreates them through the same process a new account goes through). This means everything you've written to any existing categories/fields also gets deleted.

If you'd like, I'm happy to do that for you.

However, I'm also working on a less destructive version that just restores any deleted categories/fields that were originally defaults and I'm hoping to have it done and ready for release soon – if you have lots of pages already that might be a better thing to wait for. If you have lots of pages and can't wait, I can also share the default categories/fields with you for characters so you can recreate them yourself. :)

Just let me know whichever you'd prefer!

@Katastrophic group

I don't mind losing information, i have so much to revise anyways. Normally I'd wait, but motivation is a rare thing for me to have and I don't want to waste it :)