forum So, @andrew, I’m Curious
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people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

For the latest update with the Documents tab, there is the starting doc with our Scratchpad. I was just wondering for the purity of a laugh, did you have to go through each individual Scratchpad and copy and paste it onto the Documents (though I realize that would take a WHILE)? Or did your program the site to do it?

Just curious!

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hahaha, that would have been quite the task!

I actually had planned on documents existing for a long time, so what you saw as a scratchpad was technically a document all along (just called Scratchpad). I basically just changed the code from enabling all users to have one document to having as many documents as they'd like, so there wasn't actually anything to copy over! :)