forum Renaming Content Page Types?
Started by @KingDaniel Premium Supporter

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@KingDaniel Premium Supporter

This is a bit confusing to explain, but I'll try my best. I've been feeling slightly less motivated in the way of organization as I seem to prefer things being hyper organized (e.g I use spatial realms or moons as habitats, but place them in planets since that's sort of the closest I can get to), but I'd, of course, feel a bit weird directly requesting that page because it feels like a genuinely useless addition.

So the question is more so, will it ever be possible to rename/configure the names of the content pages? So instead of Planets, I could change it to Spatial Habitats) so I feel less confused, but a bit more organized when showing off the material. Or is this something I should absolutely just request and people can turn the pages off respectfully?

Thank you in advance <3

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Renaming pages (and also a couple other quality of life features like customizing their icon and color) are actually current works in progress, but I don't know yet when they'll be done. I'd recommend requesting the pages anyway (because I'll hopefully be able to add a lot more soon, and more requests for each page type helps me design a default template for them much faster), but also know a little more customization should come.. eventually! <3