forum Pushed out a decently-big background update last night to address the servers crashing lately
Started by @Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

people_alt 3 followers

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Nothing visible should have changed, but servers should behave a lot better from now on. Please tell me if any pages are not working the way you expect, or if any pages feel significantly slower than before.

If all looks good from here, I'll get back to my bigger effort to speed up page load times so we can get the site as a whole back to the delicious buttery smoothness we all know and love.

Happy worldbuilding!

@Faltering pets

Thanks dude, I haven't been on much but everything seems to be going hell of a lot faster (totally digging that by the way) and just really, thanks for everything you do

@Mercury Beta Tester

Thanks for the update, but I'm getting the 'Server Error' page when I go to the main discussions page or search for something in discussions (Edit: Page crashed when I tried to post this too). Is this happening to anyone else?

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Thanks all. I'm aware of an issue that's preventing some fields from showing in the edit view for pages and am hoping to have a release go out shortly to re-show them. This is simply the fields not showing, and any answers to those fields are still intact and safe.

Edit: This release is now live.