forum Perhaps a Dark Theme?
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people_alt 38 followers

Deleted user

Heyo, it's Emi from 1:30 in the morning, suggesting something that would save her a lot of trouble. In the eyes.

A dark theme? I feel like in the forums, the black would go really nice with the white. Or whatever, but I was thinking maybe it'd be one of those slidy things (does that make sense?) where you can choose. I wasn't entirely sure where to put this so I put it in its own.

Deleted user

I agree with this! The website Shamchat does a really nice job of this.

Deleted user

Quick suggestion for a temporary fix on this!
When and if I am working late on something on a site with a color scheme like this, I suggest going to the accessability settings of whatever device you're using, and hitting the switch for Negative coloring.
It turns white background into black, and every other color into it's opposite complimentary.
This site for example, will turn orange and black.