forum Online Member Idea
Started by LadySeshiiria

people_alt 2 followers


I see in the corner of my page that it says I am currently online. It would be cool to see how many others are online as well either by a number count or by username. If people are uncomfortable with being seen they can have a privacy setting as well? Thoughts?


Also as I have been surfing today and reading forums I came up with another idea. Is there as section for factions/classes? Whether it be broken down into Politics, Religion, or RPG Classes like Rogue?

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Ha, the former idea was actually already a feature, but was broken recently. It is fixed now. The "Currently Online" list in the bottom right of any page will show you who is also viewing the same page. On the forums main page, the list is everyone online in total.

Can you elaborate a little on what you mean by factions/classes? Are you referring to the roleplaying board, or the forums in general?