forum Not able to edit Thread Titles on Mobile?
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

people_alt 41 followers


So I use my phone for like, the majority of my usage. And when i am on mobile, and I try to edit the title, i can't. I click "edit title", but when it takes me to the edit screen, the upper bit that stays, the one with what forum its in and what RP it is? That stays, and like…covers up the title and makes it impossible to edit. I've tried changing the screen from portrait to landscape and back, and neither way works, and its really frustrating. If this could be fixed, that would be wonderful!

@Rvan group

Also, a way to get around this, is hit edit topic, but instead of trying to type in the title area, try to type in the search area (should be above the title). Once the blinking line thing shows up, you can hit the little arrow that’s in the top right part of your keyboard on mobile (I’m not sure if this works with of tablets/phones, but I’m on an ipad and it looks like this:
You can then hit the down arrow, and it should let you edit the title

@saor_illust school

Aaah thank you for trying to help, but unfortunately most phone screens are pretty small so those arrows are usually not included on phones, but it's more common on tablets.