forum My notebook won't let me save
Started by @NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

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@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hi! I'll take a look at this and see what's going on. Would you mind letting me know what browser you're using (Chrome, Firefox, etc) and on what platform (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, etc)? Also: when it sends you back to the home screen, is there any error message displayed? Does it automatically send you back to the home screen as soon as you edit a field, or is it at a different time? Thanks!

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Hi! I'll take a look at this and see what's going on. Would you mind letting me know what browser you're using (Chrome, Firefox, etc) and on what platform (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, etc)? Also: when it sends you back to the home screen, is there any error message displayed? Does it automatically send you back to the home screen as soon as you edit a field, or is it at a different time? Thanks!

There's no error message, It just says "You're already signed in" I'm using window and it automatically returns to the home screen after I edit a field

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Thanks! It doesn't look like there's anything different about your account that would be causing errors, but it does look like this can happen when a browser extension breaks the normal Javascript on the page. If you try in a different browser (or in an incognito mode with extensions disabled in your normal browser), I expect it to work for you. If it does, then it just becomes a matter of figuring out which of your extensions is interfering with the page, which you can do by either disabling them one by one to test when the page starts working, or disabling them all and enabling them one by one to make sure each one works.

Of note, adblockers (specifically Adblocker Plus) have caused a lot of issues editing pages in the past (especially character pages). I haven't seen them cause this specific issue, but if you have one installed (or any sort of "security" extension that might try to disable javascript), I'd recommend starting there! I'd also recommend making sure that you don't have any extensions or settings limiting cookies on the site, since we use those to keep you signed in – and if they were to disappear or be blocked by an extension, that would also cause the site to try to redirect you to a sign-in page (which would then redirect you back to your dashboard with a "You are already signed in" message).

I'll do some more digging to see what else I can figure out, but that might be your best bet!