forum Linking to friends?
Started by @CamTheCam

people_alt 3 followers


If my friend who also has an account has a character that is friends with mine, is it possible to add say character in the friends tab? Or does it only work for characters I've created?

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

This is possible, but only when those characters are in the same universe. To add characters (owned by separate people) to the same universe, the owner of that universe needs to invite the other user as a "collaborator" (which you can do from the universe edit page). This'll give both users full access to that universe, and also let both users add whatever pages they want to that universe.


Wow I didn't know that, that's actually super awesome! I'm gonna have to message my friends about that lol, we collaborate on stories and often write stories about the same universe