forum How To Link Pages
Started by @ZoeVictoria

people_alt 39 followers


I'll probably figure out how to do this by myself, but how exactly do you link a page? I know you use @ but what about capitalization? Do you just lump it all together if it has spaces or put underscores instead? Please help.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

When you press @, you should get a menu that drops down that you can select from (or autocomplete while you type). It looks like this:

You can press up or down to move through the options too so you don't need to use your mouse. This works on documents and on notebook pages, but not on the forums. For the forums, you'll want to click the share button on a page (so you can toggle it public in the first place – everything is private by default) and get the URL from there. You can then just paste that in wherever. On the forums, you can also give the link whatever text you want by using the format [Some Character Name](paste link url here). Like this!

@Riorlyne pets

If you start typing the title after the @, a list of your pages beginning with that/those letters should appear in a drop down list for you to select from. :)

The actual code to link a page is [[Type-#####]], where “Type” is the sort of page you’re linking, and #### is the number in the page’s URL. So if you were to link to this character page, for example,

the actual code would be Joe Bloggs

This is a lot trickier, so I’m glad we have the drop down list that appears when we type @!


Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, I'm using DuckduckGo on iPhone. I was creating a building and wanted to link characters but the menu simply didn't show up. It happened on other pages as well.