forum Email notifications for forum posts?
Started by @Riorlyne pets

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@Riorlyne pets

Just wondering if anyone has email notifications for forum posts turned on, and if you do, do you actually get emails? I have them turned on (it was default) but I have never received an email from and wondered if this is normal. I didn't get an email when I signed up either, but I think that was due to silly me making a typo in my email address. I fixed it and updated it in my profile ASAP though, so the site shouldn't be sending forum notifications to a weird non-existent address. Right?

@Riorlyne pets

Okay, so today I got my first notification email - for a post that was added to a thread wayyyyyyy back in February.

??? This is very confusing.


I was getting emails but like Riorlyne they were from a very long time ago, no complaints just thought it might be helpful t know not only one person has had that happen?

@Riorlyne pets

Whatever you're doing, the situation is improving! Just got another email - it was from a post made on March 2nd but I got the forum notification at the same time. So they're synced now, at least. :D

EDIT: Also, like @Norepinephrinxx I have no complaints, I just wanted to know how the system worked. :)