forum Changing order of fields
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people_alt 48 followers

Deleted user

Hello! I seem to be unable to change the order of the fields in my character template. When I use the line-button to re-arrange them, they will pop right back where they were before only moments later.. :(

Deleted user

Where? :( I thought it was saving automatically because I couldn't see any save button!

Deleted user

Thank you either way! I hope someone of the team can help maybe.

It also scrambles the order. No matter if I even go to add each one separately, they will randomly scramble at the next visit. :(

Deleted user

Nope I just tried to edit a character and all changes are gone. :(

Deleted user

Don't worry! Thank you either way.

It's just extremely frustrating. Not only does the order change randomly (not alphabetically or anything.) It -also- apparently shows some of the hidden fields when I edit a specific character, only to say it's a hidden field in the template again. I have no idea what's going on or if it's my browser or something.

Deleted user

Ugh, nope, exact same problem. This can't be a browser thing.. I'd hope. This is really something. :(

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey DapperCat, hidden fields showing up is a bug that I'm fixing, so it should get fixed for you automatically soon.

I'll take a look at why you can't reorder your fields as well. I've seen some users that have a problem reordering when they've created new fields; sometimes reordering one of the default fields resets things and lets you reorder any field after that. Either way, I'll get it sorted out. :)

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Ah, it seems there was a bug I didn't know about. It looks to me like your fields were reordering (for viewing/editing pages), but weren't ordered correctly in the template editor. I've got them synced up (and the bug fixed for everyone).

There's still a bug sometimes that I'm still tracking down that occasionally prevents people from reordering custom fields until they've reordered a default one first, so if anyone else has that problem (or sees anything off with their ordering), do let me know so I can get it sorted out ASAP! :)