forum Added Category is Always First, Even When I Put It Last
Started by @FantasticBlueGirl Premium Supporter

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@FantasticBlueGirl Premium Supporter

I customized my Race template, during which time I added a new Culture category (having changed the old culture to society). I wanted it to be near the bottom of the category list, but every time I put it down there, it shows back up on top. Can anyone help?

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

There's a bug on reordering categories/fields that sometimes gets stuck. Looks like your categories were stuck so I got them fixed up, and also reordered your Culture category to the end for you. You should be able to reorder everything normally though. :)

If you see this happen on any other page types, you can usually get the ordering unstuck yourself by reordering any of the default fields (as opposed to an added field). You should be able to reorder everything like normal afterwards.

Sorry about that!