forum This dialogue tutorial - Is it understandable? Does it cover everything?
Started by @Riorlyne pets

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@Riorlyne pets

Hi folks!

I've recently written a sort of how-to for dialogue (mainly punctuation, formatting, style, etc.) and I'd like to know if other people find it easy to understand. I've made it open to suggestions and comments, so if you're interested, please let me know what you think.

Also, I'd love to hear of anything you think is missing. "How do I punctuate XYZ?" sort of questions are great, because there's sure to be areas that I've missed.

Here's the link.

Thank you in advance!


Wow, thank you! This was well done. Is it ever okay to use an ellipsis or dash before dialogue, still within quotation marks?


Where has this been all my life
I just went through and added some comments in the document (but at some point they descend into chaos because I couldn't think of any critiques anymore)


I love how detailed this is!! The only thing i could think of that you could still add is how you would punctuate a monologue or speech that might stretch over a couple of paragraphs. Because those I find very hard to decide what to do with. They are rare, I know, but all the more frustrating for that because I have absolutely no idea what wise/grammatically sound decisions i can make about punctuation placement, whether to break them up by paragraphing narrative/tags or just to leave them in their huge chunky glory for the sake of flow. (I do realize this might be more of a stylistic quesrion than a grammar one but It'd really interest me to know how you'd deal with it)