forum Religion Critique please....
Started by @Cloud-Wolf

people_alt 47 followers


What do you think? (note this is the first time i have created an entirely fictitious religion so please help me inprove :) )


Hi, there!
Your link, unfortunately isn't working! If you go to your religions page and press share, it should give you a link with a page number! I'd be happy to give you a short critique on it, though! I'm genuinely curious to see how others make their religions :)


Sorry!! I do this every time! :-)


Hello! Sorry for the late reply. I hope your weekend was great. :)
Okay, so first of all I would like to congratulate you on the sheer complexity and detailing that undoubtedly went into creating this religion! The hard work that went into it really shows, and that whole page was the best thing I have read in a while!
Really, I don't have anything to critique other than the occasional spelling error. Some of these might be intentional, (I apologize if that is the case!) small things like 'prayer' being 'prair' or 'accept' being 'except'.
(Which, seeing as it is just a notebook doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me.) However, there are some things that perhaps could be expanded upon and explained in further detail! Here are a couple questions that I came up with while reading through the page that you can think of when expanding on the religion, if you so choose! :D

  • How do the rituals throughout the day affect those travelling or working? Do work shifts typically accommodate them?
  • How are outsiders to the religion typically treated? How are they supposed to be treated? (If different)
  • Can outsiders convert? Are there any rituals for conversions? Is there anything that can exclude someone from converting?
  • Are there any roles or kinds of work that are frowned upon by those who practice this religion?
  • What are the punishments for the people's sin, if any? (Other than being reborn as a lower form) Is there a way to be forgiven? How severe are the punishments? (If any?)
  • Who is considered important in this religion, is merit the only way to gain reputation? Who decides if you are good enough?
  • How does the sacrifice of an animal work for the poor? Are there charities to help them buy animals? Is poverty considered a punishment? How are different classes treated?
  • Family is considered most important, so what defines that? Blood or Bond? How are those who are alone or without relatives treated?
  • What defines betraying the Silthen? Killing or otherwise harming one? Converting to another religion? Are there punishments other than being cast out?
  • How are criminals treated?

I hope this helped you and gave you a bit to chew on, have a wonderful day! :)



Thank you, yeah I have a massive trouble with spelling so I will have to double check with a spell checker all my pages when I'm done!
Thanks for all the feed back I'll probably add some stuff to the page, but some of this stuff is kinda covered on some other pages of mine so that is why it is missing from this page.
As for criminal law, the Siken is not an indepedent body so can not control punishments.
Thank you for such helpful feedback I really really appreciate it, I definitely will add most of the stuff you mentioned to this page or other relevant pages, you've really got my creative juices going. So thank to very much!! 😊