forum I know this is a writing site but...anyone wanna give feedback on a table-top game?
Started by @Oakiin

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I know this is a shot in the dark, but I'm currently designing my very first game. As a few of you know, I would love to be a game designer for a living, and this is my first attempt at a finished product. It's in pre-alpha right now, but once character sheets are made and the very broken combat system is fixed, I'd love it if people would be interested in helping me improve it.

It's a doom eternal based table-top: mission based campaign RPG. It's designed to be played over video calls during quarantine, but for those who don't want to show their faces, (like me), voice chat is perfectly acceptable to. You would play as the Night Sentinels, battling Hell's forces off of your planet. It's combat and exploration heavy, and all you'd need is a discord and a set of dice, or a random number generator.

Again I doubt anyone is interested, and that's a-okay if you're not, no pressure at all! But just in case, anyone who's interested let me know, I'll get you more details.
I'm hoping to have it out of pre-alpha and into beta by next weekend. A session needs at least four players, (plus GM, but that's me), and a max of 8.
Anyways, if anyone wants to help me out, I'd appreciate any feedback ^^ Or, if you don't want to play it, but would like to help, I would love critiques on my written guides, to make sure the rules and such make sense.


One in progress, yes. Again, it's all super rough, there's hardly anything there right now, though it is playable, (barely xD) I'm working on fleshing it out, however.