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6-10-16 8:36 PM. Friday.
Paul Fenn turned around, looking past Jessica Rhoem as she smiled. A red car was barreling down the road beside them, other than it, the road was empty. Paul thought through the events that had left him on Esmerelda bridge in the middle of the night with Jessica Rhoem. Jessica stepped towards the railing and leaned against it. The wind picked up, A cold blanket spreading across Paul’s skin. His t-shirt and jeans did nothing to protect him from the chills. Jessica wasn’t faring any better, wearing a tank top and a pair of sweatpants, she was trembling.

“Paul,” Jessica finally spoke up as she turned towards Paul. “I’m in love with you.”

“No, you’re not,” Paul replied immediately. “You don’t know anything about me.”

“I know enough,” Jessica put her frizzy hair up into a quick bun. “Let me show you.”

“No!” Paul stepped back. “Just listen, you have an entire life to live. You can’t waste all of that fawning over me. Just go home.” Jessica shifted on the balls of her feet, chewing on her upper lip.

“I guess you’re right,” she turned back to the railing and pressed herself against it. Paul noticed a semi truck driving by and slipped a hand into his pocket, his phone wasn’t there. “I just want to be a part of your life. Can’t we at least be friends?”

“Of course,” Paul said. “I’m not just going to leave you.” He reached out to pat her on the back but hesitated. “I should get home.” The two of them started walking, silent. They were near the start of the bridge, it didn’t take long to get off. As their silent walk home dragged on, Paul noticed Jessica’s arm brushing against his. “Jessica,” Paul watched a red light further down the road, the highway. They’d have to cross the highway to get onto second avenue, Paul's street.

“I left my phone at your house,” Jessica grumbled. Her voice was dry. Paul missed her light bubbly energy. Could they still be friends? The whole situation gave him a headache, he needed time to lie down and think.

“Where?” Paul asked, “I can get it for you.”

“I don’t remember.” She rubbed her temples. Paul silently groaned. He didn’t want to hear his dad making out Jessica as the third coming of the Christ, the second being the family cat Beowulf of course. He hoped Crystal was closed up in her room or taking a shower. Crystal couldn’t stand Jessica.

“Try to be quick,” Paul suggested.

6-10-16 9:03 PM. Friday.
“Where do you think it could be?” Paul whispered urgently. Jessica pulled the cushions off of the couch and felt around inside of it.

“I don’t know,” Jessica hastily replaced the cushion. She moved to the recliner as Paul slipped by the couch and walked into the kitchen. He waved his phone’s light over the marble counter, no sign of a phone. He pulled up Jessica’s number and dialed it as he walked out into the living room. Jessica was peeking behind the television stand as Paul listened. No ringing.

“Did you leave your phone on?” Paul asked.

“I think it was almost dead,” Jessica inched the tv stand forward. “Help me with this.” Paul stared at the door beside the tv stand. His dad’s room.

“Be careful,” Paul urged. “If dad wakes up, you’ll never be able to leave.” Jessica froze for a moment as Paul helped her move the TV stand. They moved it a few inches towards the couch and Paul moved to get a look behind it. Jessica’s scream nearly stopped his heart. She stumbled back, hitting the recliner and slumped down. “What happened?” Paul didn’t bother whispering, Jessica had already woken up the country. He hurried to her, checking her head. Shockingly, there wasn’t any blood, but that didn’t rule out any kind of concussion. Jessica’s eyes fluttered open as Richard’s voice boomed through the house.

“Who’s out there?” He yelled from the bedroom. Paul shook Jessica lightly, wary of any injuries.

“Are you okay?” Paul insisted.

“There was a rat,” Jessica started getting up. “It scared me.” Paul hardly processed this as his father charged out into the living room aiming an old Polaroid camera. The flash blinded Paul. Jessica fell down onto the recliner.

“What are you two doing in here?” Richard turned the living room light on and sat down on the couch as Paul’s eyes burned.

“Jessica lost her freakin phone!” Paul hissed.

“Did you try calling it?” Richard asked, waving the newly taken photograph. Jessica answered before Paul could,

“We haven’t.”

“Paul, call her phone,” Richard got up, leaving his camera on the couch.

“I already did,” Paul leaned against the recliner, slipping down into the seat.

“You did?” Jessica pushed the TV stand back into place, Paul furrowed his brow at how easily she moved it. “When?”

“Earlier,” Paul explained.

“Well, why not try it again?” Paul pulled up her number again and called it, sure enough, it vibrated. Jessica shuffled over to the recliner and peeked under it,

“There it is,” she pulled her small phone out. Paul looked to Richard, confused. It vibrated loudly against the metal frame of the recliner, they should have been able to hear it earlier.

“Do you need Paul to walk you home?” Richard offered. Jessica sat down on the arm of the recliner.

“The truth is,” Jessica turned her phone in her hand. “I don’t have a home.” Paul was speechless. He’d met her parents before, hadn’t he? He thought back, as long as he’d known her, she’d walk to school, she’d always opt out of school events involving parent signatures. Someone had to be taking care of her, she couldn’t just be living on the street.

“What?” Richard looked up from the photograph. “Of course you have parents, you didn’t fall from the sky.” Jessica laughed, Paul watched her hand tighten into a fist.

“That’s not what I mean,” Jessica said. “My parents left the country several years ago,” Paul spoke up now,

“Where have you been living then?” Paul asked.

“Around,” Jessica shrugged. “I was going to ask if I could stay here for the summer.”

“Of course!” Richard blurted out. Paul nearly snapped his neck turning towards the man. “You are always welcome here.” Jessica got up, saying something about a shower as Richard walked into the kitchen. Paul was lost in his own head, Jessica was homeless? He’d known her since elementary school, she was always a heavy eater but never seemed to gain any weight. Was the school food all she was eating? Paul reached out, clasping Jessica’s wrist, she froze.

“Hey,” Paul almost whispered the word. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I never felt the need to,” Jessica said. Richard smacked the photograph onto the fridge and placed a circular magnet on it.

“What changed?” Paul asked, letting go.

“I don’t know,” Jessica turned her phone on. “Just felt right.” The two of them walked into the kitchen, Richard was digging into the fridge, Paul looked at the photograph on the door. Paul’s eyes were wide, Jessica was looking down, reaching under the recliner.

“Do you like fish?” Richard called out. Paul remembered the fish leftovers that had been in the fridge for at least a week.

“I love fish!” Jessica exclaimed, slipping past Paul and looking into the fridge. They went back and forth, Jessica claiming the fish was undercooked. Paul stepped out and looked towards the hallway, Crystal’s bedroom door was open.

“I’m going to bed,” Paul called out.