forum Can you critique my short story?
Started by @garden0f3den group

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I did notice that your tense switched back and forth between past-tense and present-tense, but your storyline is engaging and interesting!

@garden0f3den group

Do you think you could point those spots out? Other than in dialogue. Because well, it's dialogue. I've always had trouble with finding those spots…


Oh yeah, sure! "I felt myself curl in a little bit because for a while, we secretly courted each other. Such things aren’t accepted in the royal court but neither am I so I thought, 'Screw it'" is one example. "Felt" and "courted" are past tense, and "aren't" and "am" are present tense.


No problem! I've been editing my friends' stories for… a very long time now, so I can totally understand the struggle.