forum A book or series?
Started by Seraphina Quill

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Seraphina Quill

So, I have been planning this story for a couple of weeks, right? But it keeps evolving and changing. And I am still not sure where I am going, but here is the gist of things.

My main character is from a dying planet of immortals(?), that have been cursed to drift though time and space. This can go on for eternity, or they can give up their immortality and live a mortal life but never be able to drift again. They have no control as to where they will drift to, but might be able to drift if they extremely wish it. Another cause might be if they are mortally hurt, but as they can not die, they will drift to another existence. It is almost like reincarnation in a way.
So if I am writing a story where he meets three different sets of people in three different worlds, would it be better to make it a series, rather than change the location, every 20,000 words.?
And would it be really disatisfying if in the end, he still hadn't found a place to call home?
And would it be annoying to have it in first person point-of-view?

Seraphina Quill

  1. Nice name.
  2. I think three books.
  3. Idk.
  4. 1st POV would probably be great.

Haha, thanks. But its quite boring compared to most I have seen.
Dang, I was kind of hoping I could just be lazy and squish them all together.
Idk either
I have been told by a few people they dont like reading 1st POV books

Seraphina Quill

  1. k
  2. Why is it harder to do three?
  3. k
  4. Screw 'em. 1st POV can be really great.

I had the story pestering me for awhile and I wanted to just get it out. But I dont have much personal time, so I was hoping I could just combine the three stories into one book. Its not actually a biggy, I could probably do it evenutually.

I mostly write in 1st POV, but after getting so much negative response, I was going to quit.

It is very unlikely I will ever write the story, but thanks for your time anyway.


Hi, I know you had this conversation a couple days ago, but I would just like to add my two cents!
Like @The-Althalosian-will-find-story-ikigai said to answer your first question, it might be better to do three separate books. However, there is always the possibility of combining them into one. It might be harder to do so, though since you will have to ensure your pacing is spot-on.

To answer your second question, as a reader, I personally don't like endings where everything clicks into place unless the genre fits it. In other words, I think there should always be those loose ends and the wondering how X character/people are doing. I think that it would leave a lot of room to expand the series in case you ever wanted to do that, or just for readers to imagine for themselves how it all worked out.

And finally, regarding first person, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I love first person since it's relatively easier to write than third. However, there are some people who disagree for a variety of reasons. The story you've proposed I think would work better in first person. If anyone reading doesn't like the POV, then they can go write a book for themselves. 😂

I wish you the best of luck on your book, which has a very interesting premise. I hope you have a wonderful day/evening.



to add on if u do three books they dont have to be full length! an anthology of short stories about this universe could be a really cool way to go imo

Seraphina Quill

Hi, I know you had this conversation a couple days ago, but I would just like to add my two cents!
Like @The-Althalosian-will-find-story-ikigai said to answer your first question, it might be better to do three separate books. However, there is always the possibility of combining them into one. It might be harder to do so, though since you will have to ensure your pacing is spot-on.

To answer your second question, as a reader, I personally don't like endings where everything clicks into place unless the genre fits it. In other words, I think there should always be those loose ends and the wondering how X character/people are doing. I think that it would leave a lot of room to expand the series in case you ever wanted to do that, or just for readers to imagine for themselves how it all worked out.

And finally, regarding first person, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I love first person since it's relatively easier to write than third. However, there are some people who disagree for a variety of reasons. The story you've proposed I think would work better in first person. If anyone reading doesn't like the POV, then they can go write a book for themselves. 😂

I wish you the best of luck on your book, which has a very interesting premise. I hope you have a wonderful day/evening.


Sorry I took so long to reply. I have been working on it and I now agree that it would fit much better into three or four small books. That way, I can also have an open ending that I can always come back to.

I am still a little doubtful about the POV, but I really dont think I could write it any other way.

So thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply. It means so much to me.

Seraphina Quill

Yeah, 1st Person P.O.V. rules. I use it in every story!

Haha, I am so glad to hear it. I actually have done it before, more time times than not. I was just begining to doubt myself.

Seraphina Quill

to add on if u do three books they dont have to be full length! an anthology of short stories about this universe could be a really cool way to go imo

True, true. Yeah, I think I will do it that way. It is what I am comfortable with anyway.