forum Yo let's RP (Fantasy/Adventure/Quest)
Started by @AngelFire

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Fantasy: Adventure/Quest-ish
(so medieval-type clothing, weapons, etc)

Character options:

  • Humans - self explanatory
  • Elves - self explanatory
  • Faeries - Look similar to humans (i.e. faeries come in all shapes and sizes as humans they just have slightly transparent wings)
  • Vampires - also fairly self explanatory (but no sparkling)
  • Shape-shifters - humans who can shift into ONE animal

All of the above can use magic if you want, just keep it reasonable. Talk to me if you want to add another option. Feel free to ask if you have questions!

General plot: Our characters are trying to find an object of great power before the corrupt ruler of the kingdom does. (or if someone has a better idea we can try that)

Fill out whatever kind of form you want. Be nice to each other. Keep swearing to a minimum. If there's romance keep it under control.

Let's do this.



|| Katirayna (Kat) || Faerie || Female || 18 ||
Katirayna is the crown princess of the faeries. She has long brown hair that falls in waves to the middle of her back, crystal blue eyes, and long eyelashes. She's relatively tall for her age with a slender build. Her wings are a mottled blue and white with black around the edges.
Kat is often restless and wishing to go out and travel. She can be quite serious when called for and is in general a calm person. Though she is not easy to anger, when she is angry it can get ugly.

|| Vexus (Vex) Clifly || Human (mage) || Male || 18 ||
Vexus' hair is a shiny, dark brown that falls just above his eyes which are a smiliar color. Average in height, Vexus stands around 5’ 11’’ but has a lithe build. He’s most likely to be seen with a smirk on his face but a playful (or mischievous) gleam in his eyes. Vexus has a snarky sense of humor. He often makes jokes at the expense of others, but rarely does he say the things he does out of spite. He just can’t help himself. Underneath all that he really does have good intentions. Most of the time.


Name: Marcoh Dragaal
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Straight, possibly bi
Age: 18
Species: Shifter
Personality: Seems bright on the outside, but he's dark deep down. A healthy balance of introvert and extrovert. In touch with his animal nature, but able to control it.
Looks: Chiseled features, somewhat tall, slightly sculpted build. Has thick, mid-length, black hair. Eyes change color.



(Do you guys want to do the current plot or do you have other ideas? I had also considered that they could be trying to run away from the law or something. idk)

Deleted user

(Well, theives would be good. Is there a character template?)


(Hmmm I have a thief character I could use. And no there's not. I can make one if ya like but feel free to use your own.)


(Yeah for sure!)

Here's a template:

Race: (Elf, human, etc)
Other: (family, history, sexuality, etc. can go here)


(Here's mah guy)

|| Vexus (Vex) Clifly || Human (magic) || Male || 18 ||
Vexus' hair is a shiny, dark brown that falls just above his eyes which are a smiliar color. Average in height, Vexus stands around 5’ 11’’ but has a lithe build. He’s most likely to be seen with a smirk on his face but a playful (or mischievous) gleam in his eyes. Vexus has a snarky sense of humor. He often makes jokes at the expense of others, but rarely does he say the things he does out of spite. He just can’t help himself. Underneath all that he really does have good intentions. Most of the time.


Her name is Inerys Madraki, and she is a Dragonborn. Basically a human who has a dragon form. As a human, she has limited pyrokinesis and immunity to flame. As a dragon, she has pyrokinesis and also immunity.
As a human, she has long and thick dark blue hair and tanned skin with freckles. Her eyes are gold.
As a dragon, she has dark blue, shimmery scales and golden eyes, with a graceful body.

//if she’s too Aop tell me pls!


(Eeep sorry, I'm scrambling to finish my homework before class tomorrow xD It's not too late to join! I probably won't be able to start anything tonight but hopefully tomorrow morning at some point)