forum "winter... What's going on?"
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Sara watched as the group of vampires watched him. His head pounded and heart ached " winter.. please.. what's going on? Why did the bring me here?!" His eyes burned with tears

Deleted user

Asra flinched, tears now streaming down his cheeks "let me go! I dont wanna be here!" He damn near screamed, upset and hurting he refused to see the danger he was in, the snowy haired but couldn't think straight and the moments that had happened before now ran wild on his head. asra walked back to Vincent with his head hung low

Deleted user

"I.. I don't wanna die.." asra whispered, he couldn't handle loosing winter but if anything kept him from here he was okay with it. Asra leaned into Vincent's touch, feeling like the tone in Vincent's voice was sincere so he fell for it
" I just want away from here. Please." He whined

Deleted user

Asra shook his head " I won't make him.. " asra whispered.
Cold sweat soaked asra's collar. " I would rather die then make him beg for my life, he's shown he has.. has no feeling for me. So it's not his job.."

Deleted user

Asra yelped, cowering. He was scared more then anything, his pale blue eyes looking to winter, " winter.." he whispered before throwing his arm up as the first blow struck and drew blood.
He dropped to a knee, looking back at Vincent "please,! Don't do this! I'll do what you want!" He pleaded with the leading vampire,

Deleted user

Asra looked back at winter, his pale blue eyes glazed with tears still " where.. where are we going?" He asked just above a whisper.
As much as Asra hated it the adrenaline had left his body, leaving him stressed and tired. The snowy hair boy laid his head on Vince's shoulder, just staring blankly at the man he'd just met.
Sara could only wonder how a man this cruel could show any kindness to Asra, it was a bit weird but if it kept him from being to harsh to winter and kept him from death then he just had to put up with it.

Deleted user

" I had no ideas of the rules but even if I did I wouldn't have cared, winter makes me feel as if I am really cared for. Or at least some part of me thought so. Which is why I bedded with him. " He said and sighed. " I guess he doesn't feel the same.. or he's confused about it.. he did try and protect me.. I just feel like there shouldn't have been hesitation, I wouldn't have hesitated for him.." he said and watched the ground as his tears started to run again
Once inside, asra couldn't help but start sneezing constantly. Over and over again untill he quit after a minute " now my nose hurts.." he mumbled
Asra winced when the wound was touched and again when he was picked back up. " Just be easy, I'm tender headed at best. " He said solemly as he leaned heavily on Vince to walk

Deleted user

" wait. Please. I know he doesn't care but dont hurt him, ground him from leaving or going out. Just don't hurt him. " He said and rubbed his head " I would throw myself into any danger just to save someone who deserves it. Winter doesn't deserve to be put through hell just because of my dumb decision. "
Asras cold eyes watched Vincent " I know you're not as cold as you think. Just.. don't prove me wrong." He mumbled
Asra curled into the blankets " and if you would, just come back and let me know that he's okay? Please.."

Deleted user

Asra slowly fell asleep, cuddled into the blankets and sleeping solemnly

Deleted user

( I feel like we can try and start a romance between Vincent and asra so that way winter has to try and fight for asra as he's shown that he'd supposably don't care)

Deleted user

(mm we could start it a few days later, either asra hanging out with Vince or winter)

Deleted user

(I can try and it's like 1:23 am for me but I'm a night owl)

Deleted user

(okay! I usually don't get up till about ten my time so I'll watch for you! ( ╹▽╹ )

Deleted user

Asra whined as he slept, seeming to be fighting sleep. This was common, at least for him. He hated it but he never fought to hard.
As the moment came asra jerked up heavily "ah!"he screamed, his pupils dilated and tryin to take in his surroundigs

Deleted user

Asra whipped the tears from his eyes "y..yeah.. I'm fine.." he whispered and got up shakily. Asra shivered slightly and went to follow Vince out.
Once asra was downstairs he seen the others and bowed his head slightly. " Hello.." he greeted and looked around. Once again sneezing quite a bit. " May I clean Vincent?" He asked as he looked to the taller vampire

Deleted user

" I usually cook for myself but if they are willing to cook for me ten please, let them decide. " He chuckled, giving a soft smile " and blood would be.. new but I am not unwilling to give it a try. If vampires take it as a life line then it must not be that bad. " He joked all the same but wouldn't turn down the offer
Once again his smile down beautifully, a white smile and a gentle touch of kindness. " I must say, you house is quite beautiful under the dust and I promise, I will clean it to the best of my ability. " He swore and looked Vincent in his eyes " and I don't break a promise " he said in a flat tone that could have sent a chill up a soldiers spine

Deleted user

" I'm not putting this badly. But humans rage wars between them and their own selves. You've only shown me the same. You defend your people and your rules. So I have no reason to hate. But it seems you a kind and caring, you are brave and strong for your people. Your are a good leader." He said honestly
Asra looked around at the other vampires " your people seem only loyal and firm. " He said and sighed, lowering his head " I wish I could say the same for human kind, which now I understand why you seem to hate us so much"

Deleted user

" I'm an astronomer, I watch the stars and look for new ones. " He said first, his face seeming o light up as he talked about it
" Seeing Jupiter and saturns rings. It's something of a dream to me. " He said and looked to Vincents direction " I prefer to be called azzy once you get to know me. It's easier so when people sneak up on me I know if its friend or foe." He said and looked back down at his hands " I bite my fingers and nails out of stress and when I lie. My mother would always tell me that when she caught me. "
He chuckled " I'm no from this state, I'm from a small village from china. My mother moved here in hopes I could pursue my love for the stars"
" You'll never find me wearing white because I always stain it" he laughed, a sweet laugh

Deleted user

" I have yet to find that color. " He giggled and yawned softly " I have never had a value for money, it's not much need if you know how to live without it. Me and my mother lived with very little and I've grown used to never having the worries of having to much to pay for as I've made my own things or I have earned them by hard labor. I have a friend that is a farmer, I get food from her, in exchange that I do labor for her, feed the live stock, bale hay, care for the chickens, things like that earn me eggs and fresh butchered cow and milk. She has even given me a shepherd dog there to help with heading the sheep."