forum Wenorra University! (Mature, 6/6 CLOSED....sorry!, Stalkers Welcome!)
Started by @In_the_mud

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Name: Zanthius Rook Revven-Caulder the III (technically Lord Zanthius blah blah blah but his name is already pretentious enough lmao) (goes by Rook)
Age: Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?
Year: 4
Race: Unseelie Fae (Court Fae are Seelie, the Unseelie are more like,,,, the criminal underground of the Fae?? Their "Courts" function more like the Mafia or something lmao. Less respectable Fae, basically lol)
Gender: Male, doesn't really give a shit about gender rules and wears whatever the fuck he wants
Sexuality: Pan
Shipping?: Yeah sure
Appearance: Rook is a little on the tall side, at 6'0", with a rectangular, long-limbed frame. Like any Unseelie, he is quite good at shape-shifting, and indeed, it's part of his appearance; something about him will be different every time, but it'll be subtle. His eyes might be more green or brown or grey, or his canines will be sharper (they're generally a bit sharper and longer than most other Fae's). His hair will be a little longer, his cheekbones sharper, his ears shorter or longer or more pointed or less so. It's always subtle, enough so that most people don't consciously notice, but they notice subconsciously that something about him has changed and it always throws them off. Generally, though, he has hazel eyes that are a nearly even mix of green and brown. His jawline and cheekbones are sharp, with canines slightly longer and sharper than most Fae, though not as long or sharp as a Vampire's. He typically has russet brown hair, though some days it's darker and some days it's lighter. Has black tattoos up and down both arms, and rings on his fingers.
Personality: Rook is definitely a bit of a trickster, with a sly grin and words that, despite the Fae's inability to lie, never quite ring with truth. He's not necessarily a bad person, it's just that he's not a good one either. Chaotic neutral, perhaps, would be the best way to describe him. Really doesn't care about laws or technicalities, except where they work to his advantage.
Magic: Glamour-casting/shape-shifting (common to Unseelie), and fire magic
Clothing Style: Really anything. Likes things in green, black, and silver. Wears pants, skirts, even dresses, it just depends on what he feels like on any given day. Typically layers jewelry no matter what he's wearing. Always silver jewelry, almost never any other kind of metal.
Backstory: Rook's family is one of the more powerful one in their Unseelie Court, the Court of Autumn. His father is where the Caulder portion of his name comes from. His mother was the illegitimate daughter of the king, whose last name was and is Revven. Therefore, Rook is seen as a viable candidate for the throne, should the rest of the current Royal family be wiped out. The Court of Autumn being Unseelie, he has been therefore surrounded by political intrigue since the day he was born, with people maneuvering to use him as a puppet to place on the throne. As a result, he is quite good at navigating the murky waters of politics and intrigue of that sort.
Likes: Freedom. The outdoors. Magic. Being warm.
Dislikes: Being controlled. The cold
Hobbies: Drawing, singing, practicing his magic. Idk. bad at these sections lmao
Other: ~

(yo Reed, Maximus, are both of y'all okay with my definitions for Seelie vs Unseelie Fae? The way I set it up, it shouldn't really interfere with the way y'all are already interpreting your separate courts)

@Nicolo_Needs_A_Nap Podcast Nerd™

(Spring Court, which is kinda the unspoken head of the four (unless you disagree))

In actual faerie mythos it would be whichever season it currently is ^^

@maximus-pinpoint group

@Icefire @fromunderhill

Tell me if you disagree with any of this (I went with underhill's because they claim it's actual fae myth):
There are four courts in Faerie are Winter (Unseelie), Autumn (Unseelie), Spring (Seelie), Summer (Seelie). The Seelie are more formal, tamed fae with Courts and Kingdoms. The Unseelie have royals, but it's more of a rough-and-tumble mafia. Whatever the current season is determines which faerie court is the leader, or has the most important opinion with matters concerning all Fae.

If I missed anything, or incorrectly stated something, please tell me.

And Icefire, if you still want to do nebular Courts, we can do that, I just want one solid idea we all agree on.

@Nicolo_Needs_A_Nap Podcast Nerd™

I just need it to be how its supposed to or I will literally have a breakdown /hj
I'm phrasing it badly, but I just need it to be the season courts and not the others? I don't want to seem like a controlling dick but I can't physically handle it not being how its supposed to be

@Nicolo_Needs_A_Nap Podcast Nerd™

(Bestie that's not what Unseelie courts are, the Unseelie courts are Winter and Autumn courts /Nm)

Just realized this sounded really stuck up please ignore the phrasing

@Nicolo_Needs_A_Nap Podcast Nerd™

also Reed I didn't know what /hj meant and I googled it and the first result was, uh, handjob lmao



also Reed I didn't know what /hj meant and I googled it and the first result was, uh, handjob lmao


lmaoooo i didn't think it did