forum Welcome to Hell #2 (TW; Mature) (Closed with Icefire) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group


The Sanguinex family. Demons straight from Hell, well known for making their deals and their blood thirst.

The Orion Family. Hunters from Earth, well kown in the supernatural world as Demon hunters, what they used to be.


Six Hundred Centuries Ago
Freir Orion hunted, and slaughtered half the Sanguinex family and got away with it. He then proceeded to settle down and have a family. His kids learned the art of Demon hunting, and his kids’ kids. For generations. . .


Present Day

Zion Orion is an average young man, 23 years of age. He seems successful so far in life. He's the golden child in his family, loved by everyone. A young aspiring musician, with lots of potential in the music career. He could lead his family to fame once again. But not as hunters, that history has been forgotten as the need for hunters gets smaller and smaller, he could bring them to fam as a wealthy musician.

Character B is six hundred twenty-five years of age. They were only a mere child when their family was slaughtered, leaving them with no one. They have harbored a growing anger and drive for revenge. They have been planning for centuries the down fall of the Orion family. And when they spot Zion, the star of the family, they come up with a plan that will crush them.

They plan to trap Zion into a deal.

  • If you want to join this RP, please make sure replies are at least 100 words, 150-300 would be preferred and anything more is welcome. I just dont know if I’ll be able to reply with the same gusto if you go over about 400 words.
  • If you know that your life is going to overtake you, or you simply need a break, please let me know, as I always try my best to do the âme for others.
  • Please be kind outside of RP, inside, I don’t mind, as long as it doesn’t break andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules.
  • I have no limitations on topic’s within RP, but if you have anything you’d prefer not to do, just let me know! I do not want to do anything to offend any possible RP partners, and I always try to make sure there are boundaries if they are needed.
  • Communication is very important to me. I would prefer someone active enough to make at least one reply a day, but I know life comes up. So if that happens, just let me know, and we’re all good.

I’ll ask for a writing sample for this one, and I’ll get a template up once someone joins.
I'm obviously going to be Zion (Unless you can convince me otherwise)


(sweet, thanks!!)
(Anything in specific you want for my demon boyo? And also, do you have any triggers and such? I don't have any, but would like to double-check with you)

@RhysTheFirebird group

(None, nada, lol)
(Bsides the things in the plot, no- and I'm lazy, but would you mind reading what I told Dayzed in the other one? Just a few more tiny details about the demon)
(Also, here's the template)

@RhysTheFirebird group

Body Type)
Identifyable Features (such as horns, wings, etc.)

@RhysTheFirebird group


Name: Zion Orion
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Eyes) Blue-Green, kind of like the sea
Hair) Jet black with hints of blur and purple undertones
Skin) Light gold
Height) 5'7"
Weight) 176lbs
Body Type) Lean and light
Identifyable Features (such as horns, wings, etc.) N/A
Personality: Zion is a sweet and kind guy. Most of the time. When he's calm and happy, he's nice and sweet. He'll joke around and pretty much be an idiot. When he's mad, he can be a legitimate asshole, and prickly. He has no bounds when he's mad. When he's scared, he usually looks adorable.
On the outside, most people see a creative and bright spirited young musician. One who loves to laugh and joke around.
On the inside, Zion struggles with self-confidence, always seeking the confrontation from Other people that he's good enough. He is very clearly a co-dependent.
- Making Music; It's the one thing that he knows He's good at and doesn't need other people's confirmation to tell him.
- Baking; He loves baking for no reason.
- The Supernatural World: Specifically Hell; He has no reason why, but he loves spending time in his family's large library and reading, what he believes to be myths, for hours about the demons and the realm of Hell.
- His Cousin; For reasons that will soon be found out.
- Staying Still; He always feels like he needs to be moving, and he hates the feeling that he has to be still for anything.
- Being Lied To; Lying is a big no-no for him.
- That no one actually likes him, that they only like him because he's famous and has money.
- Losing everything he's ever known.
- His own blood. He faints when he sees it.
Mental) He struggles with self-confidence
Physical) N/A


(None, nada, lol)
(Bsides the things in the plot, no- and I'm lazy, but would you mind reading what I told Dayzed in the other one? Just a few more tiny details about the demon)
(Also, here's the template)

(alright! I did read that, so we're all good. I'll get something up tonight or tomorrow)


Name: Bellinor Sanguinex
Age: Appears to be in his lower 20's, is actually 625
Gender: Male, he/him
Appearance: (hope you don't mind I put it in paragraph form, since I prefer to describe)
Human form: Bellinor, who often goes by Bel, stands at 6'4", with a toned, muscular form. He has snow white hair with streaks of black running through it, which has a center part and curtain bangs. His eyes are a kind of hazel color, that tend to lean more of a yellow-green than brown. He has a sharp, strong jawline and cheekbones, and his eyebrows are the same white tone as his hair. His left arm is covered in curling, black tattoo marks, which seem just artistic and fun to the human eye, but in reality are symbols from hell, to help bolster his human form and his magic. He has pale skin, with a slight tan, and no freckles. The only real hint to his non-human origins is in the fact that his canines are slightly sharper than is normal for a human.
Demon form: in his demon form, Bel is much, much larger, at nearly eight feet tall. His hair remains the same, except for the fact that the white part seems to glow sometimes. His skin turns to a dark red tone, and his ears become longer and pointed. He also has a pair of dark colored horns, a tail, and wings. His eyes also become completely black, and his canine teeth grow sharper and larger.
Identifiable Features:
Human Form: The sharp canines, and the left arm sleeve tattoos. His hair is also very unique.
Demon form: All of it. It's all identifiable and strange.
Personality: Bel is just. a big dude, and he knows that. He definitely has some anger issues, and can get angry at the drop of a hat. He's also rather cunning and very motivated by revenge, and very much believes in an eye for an eye kind of thing. Can and will physically intimidate someone. If someone does manage to somehow get on his soft side, he is a decent sort of person in general. He can be kind, and loving, and will forgive mistakes (things done on purpose, on the other hand, are another thing entirely). He's aggressive, but also very patient in his aggression. If he knows it's not the right time to strike, he will wait until it is time. Can also be very sexual sometimes? Definitely a fan of innuendos and flirting.
Likes: (warning: I am Not Good at filling out likes/dislikes/fears so I'll probably not fill this out much)

  • Fire; he's definitely a bit of a pyromaniac
  • Being warm/hot; vastly prefers warm climates over cold climates, and does not like to be cold
  • Anything that requires the use of strategy


  • Small spaces
  • The cold
  • Humans


  • He is claustrophobic. During the slaughter of his family, his father trapped him in a tiny box in order to save him from being killed, but he was trapped there for a long time and it resulted in a fear of tight spaces
  • Falling in love and then having the person he loves taken away from him, like what happened to his family
  • Demon hunters

Mental) PTSD, probably depression and anxiety as well
Physical) N/A
Background: (it's short bc I tend to flesh out as I RP) Bel's family was killed when he was young, which caused a lot of trauma. He was raised by some other, lower-level demons, and was abused by them as well. Once he was older, he took over his family's legacy and is a feared demon in hell due to the amount of power he wields. He has had lovers, but is currently single. His all-consuming desire to get revenge for his family tended to push others away, and he just did not have the emotional room for them either.
Other: ~

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Ty, do you have any ideas for how to start, or do you mind if we start the same way as I did the other one? (I am totally open for I deas, I don't want the two stories to be the same, even if they have the same prompt))


(i unfollowed the other one specifically so i would not accidentally take inspo from Dayzed haha, so you can start how ever you want. Also was this meant to be a romance or? bc I somehow have it in my head that it was meant to be but if not, that is fine)

@RhysTheFirebird group

Zion was having fun. Which was rare. Very rare, as he constantly struggled to like anything he ever did. But music, playing it or hearing it, it gave him life. He lived for the feeling of hundreds, no thousands, of people listening to his music. Screaming his name.

He'd just finished preferring for the night, and it was late. Very late, but Zion was used to the late nights and sleeping in. He grinned at the crowd before wishing everyone a fantastic night and exiting the stage. He sets his guitar down on a stand back stage and whiped his forehead with the sleeve of his jacket. 'Gods, it's hot under all those lights.'

Someone offers him a bottle of water and he takes it, downing half of it before grabbing a pen and hooking it into his jacket. Now was the time for auditions. When He did does this late, only those who had purchased the VIP tickets got autographs, just so Zion didn't have to stay out too late. He walks out, going to the 'reception' area, where there was a crowd of perhaps fifty to a hundred peole.

He sat down in his chair, preparing for the hour or so that it would take to get through all these people.

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Bel just wants revenge, at least that's the plot. He can do whatever he likes for his plan to get that against the Orion family. Since Zion is the center of the whole family, he's what's keeping them famous, that's what makes Zion Bel's target. He could even just kidnap Zion. Idc-)


(fjdbjfhb okay)

Bel was standing in line, arms crossed and a faint grimace on his face, lip pulled into a slight sneer. All these people, crowded around, for what? A signature and a photo with this Zion? Hells, even the man's name was enough to piss him off. Zion, the holy city. David's city. God's favored son. Zion, the descendant of murderers, standing here as if his family's money was not stained with blood. Yet what human hear would find fault with what the Orion line had done? Who here would fault them for killing demons? Even the youngest of them. Sometimes in his dreams he could still hear them crying.

When he got close enough to truly see Zion, his nails, painted black and already starting to chip, dug into his skin as he tried to school his expression into something more pleasant, as if he was happy to see the human. The Orion family had always had a strong look to their line, and Zion fit right in with his memories. No spitting image, to be sure, but a strong resemblance. The hair color, the skin tone, the lift of the chin and the tilt of his smile. Handsome, by human standards, but all Bel saw was a monster. Maybe for Zion the slaughter of the Sanguinex family was a distant memory, a relic of the past, but for Bel this was living memory. For Bel, this was his own past, his own history, and his own present, now, too.

All too soon it was his turn, and he forced a smile, those canines flashing in the light as he held out a paper for Zion to sign. All he needed was a signature and he could work things out from there. A signature and intent and Bel could weave a contract around it, turn it into something binding and concrete without Zion ever knowing until it was far too late to do anything. And up close…ah, up close he knew this boy was no hunter like his ancestors had been. This boy was a musician, but he was no hunter. Not with the way he carried himself, too open and unsuspecting. No self-respecting, hunter trained person would have freely given out signatures like this.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Zion smiled at the first people to line up, pushing away the sleep that was already tugging at his mind and body. Despite how much he wanted to curl up in ball and sleep for days, he had fans to attend to. He shook hands with an older man and signed his kid's picture. He personally thought that particular picture of him was trash. But then, he though most pictures of him were trash.

Slowly, the line began to dwindle. Zion had a rule that people with kids went frist, as well as the older folks. So the line currently consisted of people in their early twenties to late thirties.

His music was the single thing Zion knew was good, though he had no clue why thirty year olds would listen to it. His music was for the younger population, people his age. Yet, there were thirty year olds in this line.

Zion smiles, shakes hands, signs pictures of himself and makes small talk for what seems like hours. Even though, with a glance at his watch, it had only been a single hour. At least there were only a few people left in the line, and they were flying by quickly.

Zion smiles at the ast guy who was in the line, “Hello, sir.” He took the paper, signing it. His signature was nothing special, really it was just a bunch of squiggly lines that somewhat resembled his name. He hands the paper back, still smiling, though his face was covered in exhaustion. He just wanted to go back to the hotel and collapse into the uncomfortable bed and pass out and sleep for days.

He smiles at the guy, even though he felt dwarfed, and capped his pen. “How long have you been listening to my music?” He asks, still smiling at him.


Bel hesitated, not having been expecting the question. "Oh, ah…a while." he didn't remember how long Zion had been doing music, and didn't want to say the wrong amount of time and give himself away. "I don't really remember, to be honest." sure, he had heard Zion's music, but the man's music had never been Bel's main priority. It had always been more about Zion himself, and the Orion family. The music was superfluous.

He ran a hand through his hair, holding the autographed paper in his other hand. He was not about to grab Zion here, not in front of all these people. No, he had the signature, and that was all he truly needed from this encounter. Tonight, perhaps, he would come for Zion. He had not yet decided for certain how he was going to carry out his plans. He had so many ideas for what he was going to do, but none were fully decided. Not just yet.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Zion flashes a warm smile, "Ah, well. . . Thanks." Zion offered his hand to shake the other man's keeping the warm and kind smile of his face. Even though he could feel The exhaustion pulling at his eyes and bones. Just this last guy and then I can go and get some sleep.

Zion would not rush the man in front of him, not matter how tired he was. It was not the nice thing to do, to rush someone. He would keep his smile and calm. And he would wait for the guy to leave first.


Bel stared at Zion's outstretched hand for a beat, before he shook himself faintly and shook Zion's hand. Bel's handshake was firm, and his hands bore some callouses, though not many. "You're welcome. Can I ask something?" he paused. Waited. "Why did you start doing music? Does it run in your family?" no, of course it did not. Ah, but what would Zion say about it? He was curious about the answer, damn him. What sort of lie would spill from this Orion's mouth?

Hells, Bel wanted to see Zion suffer. He was a pretty man, and Bel could see, in his mind's eye, what Zion would look like broken. It would be a pretty picture, the man's blood spilled and the pain of Bel's family lived out in the shining star of the Orions. Maybe once Zion was dead, he would drop the body on the Orion family's front doorsteps. Let them see what had become of their son, let them see what Bel had done. Perhaps he would brand the body with the Sanguinex family crest, leave no secret about who and what had done this.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Zion smiled, his own hand firm, "Well, my father runs his business, my mother works with him. I'm an only child, and I guess I got into music when I was about. . . Five or six? That's when my mother started making me take piano lessons. Of course, I don't really play the piano anymore, but that's where it started." He pulled his hand back, smiling at the guy in front of him.

"I started performing a few years ago just a small cafe and I got the attention of someone who made me what I am today. A busy, exhausted and we'll love super star."

Zipn's voice was full of what seemed to be. . . Loathing. Sure, he loved playing his music for people, putting it out into the world, but he didn't like the game that came with it. The fact that he had to deal with all sorts of things that someone his age shouldn't really have to deal with. He smiled at the guy and nodded, "Well, I won't keep you long, sir, have a good night."


Bel nodded faintly, as if he cared about this topic. As if he had truly wanted to know this about Zion's music. At the farewell, he cleared his throat. "Ah…you have a good night too." he responded, running a hand through his hair and stepping away. He cast a final glance at Zion through faintly narrowed eyes, before moving away with quick strides. He had the signature. He had the signature, and that was the main thing he had needed to begin with. Now he could put other plans into motion, get things rolling in other ways. Zion's days as a free man were numbered, not that Zion knew that.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Zion sighs and his shoulders slump. He turns and walks back to his chair, sitting down for a long moment before- "Zion, your father's asking when you'll be back at the hotel." Zion looked at Jaqu, his body guard since Zion was fourteen. Jaqu was about three or four years older than Zion, but he was good at what he did.

"Shirtly, I'm on my way there now." He takes another moment before standing and walking towards the exit. He holds his hand out, "Can I have my keys, please, Jaqu?"

Jaqu frowns, "Who are you kidding, you're not driving when it's this late and you're that tired. I'm driving."

Zion sighs and nids, walking to the nondescript car and getting in.


Not thrity minutes later was action in his hotel room, not suit, in a pair of jeans and lying in bed, reading his book before he went to sleep. Haha was sleeping on the couch and some other gut was standing on the balcony. It wasn't important, Zion felt safe, and he was just about to fall to sleep. He reached over, set the book down and turned the lamp off. He then lay back and curled up into a ball, closing his eyes.


(sorry for the wait!)
(also, Q: does Zion have siblings/parents whose safety he would care about? Bc I have an idea but it only works if he has family whose lives he would care about)

Bel had vanished into the shadows, watching as Zion and Jaqu left. He knew what hotel Zion was staying at, knew his room number. Knew how many guards there were. He knew all of this, and he had fantasized about this time for centuries, and yet. And yet, he still did not have a decision made for his final plan. He had so many ideas, so many things he could do. Part of him wanted to kill the young man in that hotel bed, leave his body cracked open and nearly unrecognizable. He could picture it, in his mind's eye, what that human body would look like flayed open, ribcage broken open and gore splattered through the room. And gods, that would be an end that the rest of that wretched family would never forget.

But, it was such a quick end, comparatively. Bel had suffered for centuries with this burden, and to end it all in a night? No. He could not do that. Zion deserved to suffer. The Orion family deserved to suffer, the way he had.