forum Thoughts requested on improving the Roleplaying forums
Started by @Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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I also think ratings might be good? Like pg13, g, etc. Idk what do you guys think?

I must say I agree.


I think that separating the roleplays into familiarity would be a good idea because in some of the roleplays I've been in I've seen some people have to leave because it all got to complicated and confusing for them, and I've also had to leave some rps myself such as roleplays where the rules where that you have to write like…..over ten long and well written sentences in order to be part of the rp.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Thanks for the feedback so far, everyone. I appreciate it. :)

For everyone saying they like it as it is now, I hear you. It's super convenient to be able to jump from one RP to the next without the extra clicks of switching up the board you're on. That said, I also don't want some less-popular threads to get beaten out by larger ones – honest question for people: how often do you click through to page 2, or page 3, or further on this board? Do you think there are RPs that basically get "lost" with all the threads? That's one of the things I wanted to improve by adding more boards.

It also sounds like genre and familiarity are pretty popular. With the above in mind, I think it'd probably be nice to limit the number of extra boards to keep the feel we have now while also growing, so we'll probably go with just one organizational pattern for now. I'm happy to keep the conversation going, but I'm leaning towards genres right now, perhaps also with an any-genre board for beginners.

A follow-up question:

  • If boards were roughly split up by genre, how often do you see yourself staying in the same genre to RP in several threads versus jumping from genre to genre for each thread?

Deleted user

I see myself staying in the same genre but I already rp in that genre all the time soo yeah :)

Tessa D.

I think Rating and Genre stand out the most in terms of importance… but hear me out.

Is there a way we could do separate boards for OC's? Like an OC board, a non-OC board, and one with both? Just a thought.

Deleted user

Do you think we can have some sort of chat notification like a notification pops up on your screen whenever someone has chatted on your rp and you click on it to take you there, kind of like pinterest?


For me, I write in a lot of different genres, in rps and in my personal writing, because #1, it's really interesting and #2, it challenges me and it stretches my horizon and strengthens my writing, so I can see myself using several different genres. (All that information seemed highly irrelevant but whatever.)


I would probably jump genre to genre. Also, I like the idea from @BBC_Fangirl about the kick and un-kick buttons, because if someone breaks the rules already set for the roleplay multiple times and you want to kick them out, the option would make it easier.

Deleted user

I guess I'm find with either, but I kind of want a faster method for getting board to board and rp to rp for people who are load with them.

@Oakie Dokie

I'd say definitely by maturity level and genre, that way we don't have 9 year olds in a complicated dystopian involving heavy romance/gore/language. not saying that's ever happened but it easily could i think?


I don't think we should separate it by age, but I do think it should be by age rating. Like we can have a PG section, and PG13 section, and R section, and so on


Having a set of labels would be good too! A rating system ir tagging system, cause sometimes people get upset over gore roleplays. Familiarity and Genre would help most for me. There are a bunch of one on ones that have popped up recently, and I hope that there can be a tab for those. Maybe separate tabs for open roleplays and closed ones? Just a couple thoughts. Or sorting roleplays by number of posts or members. Some roleplays only want a certain number of people in them.


Strong agree with the kick/unkick option. There have been several instances when people were harassed in a role-play and there was nothing anybody could really do about it except fight back. It ruined a few RPs. However, I think there should be a vote option (if possible) where somebody can only be kicked if the majority vote on it. That way, nobody can abuse the kick/unkick option.

Deleted user

I also strongly agree woth the kick option, but maybe we can have one section for familitary and they can be sorted by pg and that sort of stuff, but I think that the genres dont have to be sorted, like if you clicked og, there will be all kinds of genre rps for PG)


I'm leaning towards genres right now, perhaps also with an any-genre board for beginners.

I really like this idea, however I definitely agree that if the RPs are split up, it would be useful to have notifications popping up. (cos I'm lazy like that)


Strong agree with the kick/unkick option. There have been several instances when people were harassed in a role-play and there was nothing anybody could really do about it except fight back. It ruined a few RPs. However, I think there should be a vote option (if possible) where somebody can only be kicked if the majority vote on it. That way, nobody can abuse the kick/unkick option.

I think that only the person who created the roleplay should have the power to use the kick/un-kick option, not just anyone


I reckon these categories would be good

  1. One on Ones
  2. Fandom RPs
  3. Fantasy RPs
  4. Romance RPs
  5. Dystopian RPs
  6. Adventure RPs
  7. Other

Obviously, there will be a bit of overlap, but it should work
(Just throwing my opinion out there again XD)


There could also be sub-categories inside those categories, like there could be a section for gore in each roleplay and a section for fluff, etc


I do like both of those ideas, however, that would be a lot of clicking to do to get to just one roleplay. So maybe an auto-button thing that could take someone to their roleplays quicker if they're in like, 3 or more and between genres and so on and so forth. Someone mentioned a button like this earlier.