forum The locker exchange
Started by @TrashyBeth_has_broken_her_Finger

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(is this a nap moment lol? I feel like it definitely is)
He pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and dropped it over the both of them, mostly her since she was on top of him, and settled down into the couch, his arms wrapped tightly around her.


He woke up to an obnoxious ad playing on the tv and rubbed his eyes gently, feeling a person cuddled up beside him, careful not to wake her. the memories of the night flooded back to him in an instant and he smiled, reaching for his phone across the way on a table. of course he’s not as slick as he thought and ended up tipping both himself and Beth on the floor with a low thump, waking her.


"Are you okay? I can't imagine im very light and that fall was very gentle" He said, lifting himself onto the couch, tossing the blanker back behind him, and offering her a hand to get her on the couch too.