forum The Andromeda (Pirate RP//closed)
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“Morrigan!” Lucian called as he watched her, his arms folded across his chest.

Her head turned and she had to wipe the stupid smile off her face. “Lucian!” Why was he so goddamn attractive?


"Yes, the one I was telling you about!" Kameo watched as the liquid turned bright blue, like his right eye, "The effects are so cool! I tampered with the chemical resolution myself!'


Just what Dara used to say, ran through Daso's mind. He winced at the thought of his twin but disguised it with a smile. "I'd say you need your beauty rest, but it's hardly necessary. You're still an angel," he teased, hoping that his compliments would cheer her.

Deleted user

"Amazing. . ." Leah said softly, turning it around as it shifted colors. "What can it do?"


The compliments amused her, cheered her up a bit, but she was struggling to keep her eyes off Lucian. “Thanks, Daso. You too.”


Kameo pulled another one out, "When someone touches it, the poison adheres itself to the person's skin, moving through the pores and attacking the veins and arteries, ridding the organism of its blood in mere seconds." he sloshed the liquid around, "But it's harmless to things that aren't alive."


Lucian motioned with his finger for Morrigan to come over, doing his best to look more professional than he really felt.

Morrigan ignored how her pulse sped up, walking over to him after excising herself to Daso, shooting him a grateful smile. “So?”, she asked Lucian, tugging her right sleeve down.

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Leah nodded slowly, and looked up at Kameo, with an impressed expression. "No wonder you're one of my best men. . . with a mind like that." She said, smiling. "I only want you to carry them and only use them if you need to."


"Of course, Captain, wouldn't dream of letting someone else use them." Kameo winked at her, "Unless it was you." he blew a kiss and took the vial out of her hands before tucking the poisons back into his coat.


Morrigan added another cut to her leg to her schedule as a punishment for her idiocy, but she gave him a fake smile. “Why don’t we go to your office.” She wasn’t going to do it here, where everyone could see. Stupid Morrigan.

Deleted user

"Of course." Leah replied while laughing. "Well, get ready. We're docking in ten minutes." She turned towards the sea and watched as the sector's gleaming buildings broke through the morning fog.

@Desvelarse pets

Lucian sighed and nodded, leading Morrigan into his office and shutting the door behind them. He motioned for her to sit in a chair, and sat in the one across from her. “Well?”


Oh god. She averted her eyes and said nothing, tugging up her sleeve to show him the long, deep gash, dripping blood.


Kameo nodded and pulled the coat a bit tighter around himself, "I guess I have to go with you. To keep the Captain safe." he held onto the side, a little bit anxious.

@Desvelarse pets

Lucian frowned and took her wrist in his hand to hold her arm still as he looked at it. “How did you get this cut?” He asked, already picking up a wad of gauze and beginning to dab away blood that was around the wound.

Deleted user

"Are you sure. . .?" Leah asked, worried about his unease of the sector. "It's your old home, and I don't want you to be in it, if you don't want to."


Her pulse quickened when he touched her and she still wouldn’t look him in the eye. “A cheese knife. I did it.”, she whispered.

@Desvelarse pets

Lucian’s eyes grew sympathetic and he glanced up at her. “You did this to yourself..? Why?” He pressed, searching for his stitching kit with his free hand.


She looked at the ground. “I deserved it.” She rolled up both sleeves, exposing the dozens of cuts, gashes, and bruises. “There are more on my legs and stomach.”


"I have to protect you. Cielo is….a different place. Different world almost." Kameo shrugged, "The rich side is better off, but if you're not rich….your life won't be all that great."

@Desvelarse pets

Lucian’s frown grew as he looked at the other injuries. “What made you think that?” He asked, doing his best to keep the poor girl distracted with conversation as he began to stitch the main gash.


Lucian looked up when Alice came into the room. “Of course, bottom shelf over there,” he said, pointing to one of the various cabinets, “It’s in the bottle with the red cap. Why do you need it?”

“… reasons.” Alice said slyly before leaving again.