forum Superhero RP!!! overpowered and under powered heroes welcome
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Deleted user

@Mark_Is_Male I like that idea. I sort of just went right into the story kind of like how movies start right in the middle and go over everything.


(And I have some questions about the villain if anyone can or wants to answer; about his name, power if he has one, and details as to where he's going and why, since it was mentioned he was going somewhere.)

Deleted user

(what if he's a teleporter and no one knows that so the tracker doesn't work because of the huge change in locations)


It was the most normal day of her life, everything was perfectly normal. School was normal The weather was normal She was normal. That was the last time things would ever be normal for Reyna again.
Walking home from school Reyna was nervous, but only a little bit. Today was her 17th birthday and birthdays were always an odd occasion at the Thorne house, sometimes you got a surprise party and other years you were totally forgotten. If she didn't get a birthday this year it would be the 4th one, but she didn't really care, she was used to it by now.
Stepping through the front door she braced herself, but the "SURPRISE!" never came, so she plodded up to her room and marked another day off the calendar, thinking that that would be the end of it. However, that night something did happen and it changed everything.
Reyna woke up in the middle of the night feeling stiff and strangely tight. Trying to move her hand to brush her forehead she found the action far more taxing than normal and pulling her head from the pillow she almost tumbled out of bed, her body was encased in some sort of semi-clear and very hard substance.

Deleted user

(Oh yea and maybe they could have some kind of connection you want them to)

Deleted user

(If he doesn't have powers, than what should be his "thing"?)

Deleted user

(@hadeskidatheart love the name. Like Emma Frost, right?)

Deleted user

(So everyone can put out their backstories and we can work on getting the characters together)

Deleted user

(Love it. So, With so many people being mutants, are we just going to say that it's like X-men, or does anyone have ideas about why they are like that?)


As soon as he passed, Blink teleported to the adjoining street, pretending to be interested in a flower shop's window display. But when she snuck a glance over her shoulder to check his progress down the street, the villain was gone. She spun around, searching the lunchtime crowd frantically for a glimpse of the boy's grey hoodie. But he was gone.


(No idea, it could be X-men like, but not a part of that universe, like it would have the same background and reasoning but not have any of the characters. ?)


(Well, it's the same idea as X-Men, so should we have a team of enemies, or should the good guys just target everyday criminals?)

@Mark_Is_Male group

April 22, Aster Ren was born. Everything went great, until the first night back at home. His parents went crazy trying to find him, until they saw, with their own eyes what their child had the ability to turn himself invisible. They decided it would be best to keep this information to themselves. That is until he was about six, when his powers went out of control, random plants and flowers sprouting everywhere he walked, or touched, animals running throughout the house, and small clouds popping up now and then.
After a few years, when he was eighteen he moved out, now able to afford his own apartment. There he felt free to be himself, finally gaining control of his powers he met a few other heros with abilities just like his own. He decided to make himself another persona, also known as PhotoSynth.


(Ooh, yes! I personally prefer villains to heroes, I would love to make a villain if we decide to incorporate a team of villains.)

@Mark_Is_Male group

I'd wouldn't mind making a villain..I'll probably make it some edge lord who has the power over darkness XD Actually that's what I'll do if we do create a team of villains.

@Mark_Is_Male group

I'd wouldn't mind making a villain..I'll probably make it some edge lord who has the power over darkness XD Actually that's what I'll do if we do create a team of villains.

Deleted user

Cool. So everyone can be in charge of one hero and one villain, and maybe your hero has some kind of connection or is the one to defeat your villain.