forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Bakugo scoffed lightly as they left. "Did that guy seriously just tell me not to blow up the town?? Like I'd do that!" He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, his gauntlets clattering as they hit against one another. How on earth did he get his jacket on over them..? There was no way of knowing.

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( the world may never know XD could he have just put them on after puting on his jacket? at leaste thats what i thought) izuku slipped off the hoodie he had on. he liked being cool rather than burning up in a hoodie, the only reson he wore it was because his mom had said so. " you did blow up the u.a training grounds once kachan.." izuku said, when the walked out of the building, izuku had followed the advice nighteye had given him. he put the lower part of his mask on. ( the metal mask, not the little bunny rabit lookin part XD

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izuku looked to bakugo in a way that said ' really' " he called me the next peace symbol. this guy clearly knew almight. and he's probably expecting that. " izuku said. izuku turned on his police scanner that he had built inside his suit. for now it was just cops and people calling where they where, soon though, izuku knew there would be a crime. he had watched the news, crime rates where at their highest after almght had retired.

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Izuku stoped in his tracks, “ okay deku and … “ Izuku pauses, he looked to bakugo for his hero name,

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Izuku didn’t have time to get bakugo’s attention “it’s who!? Where in our way, okay… far end of sector z? On it” Izuku said pulling down the top of his mask, the lighting covered his body, the eyes of the suit glowing a scarlet red like bakugo’s “ follow me kachan!”

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deku had arrived there. " where are they in the building ". deku was talking to an officer. " okay so theres hostages in the first level and there most likely in the second or first."

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" yes." deku had finally agree'd with bakugo for once. he headed into the building. with his mask up you couldn't tell he was scared or angry. and the way he was walking you'd think he was serious, when izuku got into the building he pulled the top part of his mask. " keep quiet." he said lowly, izuku started checking around debre of the building. " it looks like this buildings been abandoned.


Bakugo nodded, taking a few steps forward when a teenager with two messy buns and a crazed look on her face walked out from around a corner. It was himiko. "Oh, hiya Deku! Hi Deku's friend!" She giggled some. She had a small child with her, who looked terrified. Bakugo growled. "Let the kid go."

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izuku yelped when toga apeared. " let the child go toga!" izuku said.


"Mm, no, I don't wanna! Mister Toru said that he needed revenge for the little firecracker over here blowing up his hand!" Bakugo huffed. "Well maybe he shouldn't mess with a pro." He replied, stepping towards her. "Ah, ah ah! Don't come any closer, or I'll kill him!" She pressed a knife to the boy's throat, who flinched and started crying in fear. Bakugo stopped in his tracks as she did this.


"Nope! You won't do! It's gotta be him, or its no deal!" Toga replied, humming. Bakugo paused a moment, then sighed. "Fine!" The other teenager giggled at this. "Ooh! Yay! Mister Toru will be very happy to hear this!" She then pushed the boy towards Izuku, walking over to Bakugo. kurogiri then appeared next to her.

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"kastsuki!" deku looked to bakugo, " toga let me talk to shigiraki, im sure he'll want almights succesor rather than kachan!" he said tears stinging in his eyes, he was stalling.


"Oh trust me, he wants you, but not right now! He knows what he's doing!" Toga replied. Bakugo went back over to Deku a moment. "Hey, It'll be alright. I'll figure out some way to get back, I promise." He then put a hand on Izuku's cheek and pulled his mask down a bit, kissing him.

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izuku kissed back, the tears ran down his face "i cant leave you alone again"

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izuku hugged onto bakugo, the tears felt like acid on his face,

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izuku looked too the kid wiping his eyes " s..sorry about that, do you know where the other hostages are?"

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" come on! lets get out of here before the building crashes." izuku put the top of his mask on and agusting the bottom. he lead the people out of there. when he walked outside, he went to the chief " they have my partner"