forum RP? I’m bored
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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I'll start.

Alex had not planned to find a fake corpse in his professor's classroom. It was a well known fact that Mr. Dropin, his calculus/improv teacher was odd, but a dead body? Seriously? Jesus Christ, it smelled like a sewer. Alex poked the fake corpse. It didn't seem so fake now. Someone else entered the classroom.


I guess we'll introduce our characters as we go?
Alexander Thistleton-
Gangly pasty British boy, walnut brown hair and brown eyes. Intelligent and sarcastic, socially awkward.


“Ok I get it. There’s been a murder.” I walked over to the body. It stank so much but I examined it. “he has had his throat slit” I pointed to the small line “here, nearly impossible to see but still there.” I walked around the body again. There was a faint ink trail leading to the closet. “The murder got in through there.” I pointed again.


"Here goes nothing," Alex said. He cautiously opened the closet. It was full of cleaning supplies and there was a sticky note on the wall, but other than that, there was nobody there except Alex, Tamika, and the corpse.
"Huh," Alex mused.
He grabbed the sticky note and examined it.
"Hey, come look at this!" he said.


"It's written in some kind of code. Do you know what any of this means?" Alex asked, squinting at the odd symbols etched onto the sticky note.