forum Roleplay
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people_alt 38 followers

Deleted user

Do you have plot ideas? Sorry that it's taking me so long to reply, I keep editing my characters.

@Story_Siren group

Not that I know of. My girl is Laura Heck, 15, 5'6, Caucasian, sickly tin, platinum blonde hair, and dull blue eyes. Very quiet, the girl in the back of the room that no one notices. Very sensitive to what other people feel, and struggles with not helping everyone. Still recovering from her boyfriend's death, which she accidentally caused. Used to be a witch.


My characters name is Juniper, (June) Berry. She has long blonde hair that goes down her back. Has bright blue eyes, and wears jeans and t shirts with sneakers. Loves the outside, and is half elf. Is very curious and has a very kind heart.