forum Replacement // 4/4 // Closed
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A combination of people generally being dicks, a few wars, and some massive storms has set the world on its head many years ago. The entire island of Great Britain was wiped off of the face of the Earth by ceaseless bombing. Most of southern Africa is a nuclear wasteland after a war between the US and the Middle East took one step too far. Overall, the world is in more pieces than a Rubix cube after it was smashed against the ground.

The only thing that saved most of the world from extinction is the superhumans. Enemies put their differences aside to begin evacuation efforts to "safe" zones across the planet. Most of Canada was untouched, along with Greenland and Iceland. Norway and Finland were also largely alright. Land was divided into county sized zones for various alliances…..and then the world went back to fighting.

In what was once Southern Nunavut, Canada, the last United States survivors hunker down and set up Little US. Just like the original, it has its own President, Congress (of eight people), a Supreme Court, and even its own currency. It's protected by a group of four superhumans, known as the Patriots to the public. Various other territories have declared war against Little US, craving its fertile land and natural water sources. Most of the fighting was just the Patriots running into a place, wrecking shop, then leaving, so it seemed like the US was in no danger. Then, in a fight with a powerful pyromaniac, one of the Patriots were burned to death. Little US is devastated along with the rest of the team, who begins to search for a replacement for their fallen comrade.

Ayo, tis I. Your character will the the replacement that they eventually find. The main conflict will be the character's integration into the team as they mourn and move on.

Roles on the team:

Leader - Strong-willed and ruthless, the leader sees their team as family and will do anything to keep them safe. They have take the loss of their member very hard, although it doesn't show on the outside.

Taken By: @Mendokuse

The Brains - Through the use of mathematics, logistic, and common sense expertise, they are the ones who plan out offensive attacks. Blames themselves for the death of the team member, who they were very close with

Taken By: @UnseelieKing-HasOneMoreDay

The Glue Guy - They are there to hold everyone together. Keep morals high, offer moral support, and occasionally kick someone's ass.

Taken By: Me

The Bruiser - The role the newcomer will be replacing. Strong chin and a nice right hook are basic requirements for this role

Take By - @The-Althalosian-is-a-Faithful-Cynic

Deleted user






Usual Outfit:







Deleted user

Name: Jac Cantrell

Age: 24 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Standing at 5'9", the fairskinned Jac is probably the most approachable person ever. He has an oval face with a round chin, a well-formed nose, large ears and full lips. His eyes are large and a deep brown, but they're almost always scrunched up slightly from a smile on his lips

Usual Outfit: Form fitting clothes for aerodynamics. He's a runner.

Personality: It's hard not to like Jac. He's the glue-guy for a reason. He's an emotionally aware, honest guy who's always looking out for the people around him. Whenever someone talks, that person always has his full attention. He's a fast learner and a loyal friend to those he loves. His piss-poor self-esteem is a hurtle he's yet to overcome, however.

Likes: Warm water, anything with the word "spaghetti" in it

Dislikes: Rainy weather, bad vibes


"Rubber Bones" - (He just calls it that.) His bones are incredibly flexible, meaning its damn near impossible to break them.

Super Acceleration - He can essentially go from standing to full speed in one step

Enhanced Motor Skills

Fears: Loosing another team member

Other: He learned sign language from a random book on it. It's sloppy, but it's coherent enough to be functional.

Deleted user


I'd choose YOU to be the bruiser aka newcomer

Deleted user

Name: Arin Gold

Age: 26

Gender: AMAB, uses they/them pronouns

Sexuality: Demiromantic

Appearance: Arin has thin, coal-black hair. It's often pushed behind their ears as they always avoid cutting it. Their eyes were blue, but now have a milky white coating signifying that Arin was blind. They stand at about 5'3 and don't seem to weigh much. They have black tattoo ink all over their body, most of the tats include eye symbols and thick black lines.

Usual Outfit: More often then not, Arin will wear a simple white shirt and black pants. Usually, they'll have their black jacket on hand. The jacket looks to be just a smidge too big for them and has a high collar. There are multiple pockets sewn into the jacket, contents unknown.

Personality: Arin is that one person with a resting bitch face and eyes that scream "you've got to be kidding me". They're blunt and sarcastic, never one to beat around the bush. They'll talk down to even the most formidable opponents by insulting their mother (this is not always the case, they will eventually just take out a pocket knife and stab said opponent). Arin never hesitates to tell someone what they're doing wrong, they have the best interest, but often forget to tell someone how this mistake could help them.

Likes: Strong coffee, peace, and quiet, planning, spending time alone with their laptop where they can code in peace, fruit teas.

Dislikes: Loud noises (to avoid this, they often carry headphones), abrupt changes, tomato soup, ginger, too much frosting, thin blankets.

Powers: Malocchio, an entity in Italian mythology that serves as a beacon of bad luck. It's portrayed as an eye with a blue iris and a dark blue pupil. For reasons that Arin does not care to explain to anyone, Malocchio (or Mal, as they call them) is tethered to them. Mal essentially works as Arin's eyes and can weaponized bad luck.

You see, luck is a fickle thing as it is. For you, good luck could just mean bad luck to someone else. Most seek out luck spirits to make deals, they will make you that deal, for a cost.

For Arin and Mal, luck is a weapon. The two often take all the bad luck in an area and bottle it up, storing it for later uses. This graces the area with, not good luck, but no out of the way bad luck.

For the two, it can be a bomb, spreading enough bad luck for an enemy to impale themselves on their comrades sword.

It can be a shield, protecting them from harm.

But, it can be a curse. The luck is stored somewhere, isn't it? It's stored in the very essence of Arin and sometimes when they let their emotions get the better of them, a bottle cracks. Even a hairline crack could burst the bottle open, spilling the bad luck everywhere.

Fears: That the bad luck that both Arin and Mal carry will affect the others on the team. In fact, Arin is convinced that is why their late teammate was dead.

Inventory: Arin carries multiple notebooks and papers, along with a collection of pencils. They have their precious baby (their laptop) stored in a pocket in their bag. They also have rations, water, so on and so forth. They keep a photo of their dead teammate in one of their pockets. They also have a lot of small knives and a gun, along with ammo, of course, they're not an idiot. They have other tools that might be needed on the job such as first aid supplies, rope, shears, etc.

Other: After walking for a long time, they start to get a semi-noticeable limp. When asked about it, they just brush it off.

Deleted user

I'm sorry for it being lengthy, I got a bit carried away.
Arin is one of my favorite characters that I've created.

Deleted user

Thank you.
I haven't participated in a lot of roleplay recently, so hopefully, that'll get me back in the swing of things with rust removed!


Name: Kuro Matoi

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight-ish (doesn't really matter all that much to her)

Appearance: What was once considered 'Japanese', Kuro is average height at 5'6 (about 5'10 with her shitkickers–boots–on) and slender. She looks like a stiff breeze would knock her over, but she's all lean muscle. She's got a bit of a booty on her and gentle curves. Hell she could have been a model back in the day, with her strong features–high cheekbones, straight curved nose, full light lips–but the bland bored look she always wears makes people take a wary step back. She has a river of sleek raven black hair that is bone straight and usually worn in a high ponytail away from her face. Kuro also has a pair of funky sharp ass eyes–they're a really really pale shade of icy blue–but like hell anyone really gets close enough to study them. There's vein like scaring around both of her heavily pierced ears that are a couple shades darker than her skin tone.

Usual Outfit: skin tight, worn black jeans. fitted, gunmetal grey turtlenecks/long sleeve shirts with cuffs that wrap around her thumbs. black leather combat boots that lace midway up her calves. Knee length, black peacoat with lots and lots of pockets. Sunglasses. Always. Never see her without them and they're so dark one really shouldn't be able to see through them.

Personality: Stoic almost cold on the outside. She's got a mind sharper than steel and isn't afraid to lay down any law. Her word is law for that matter. Stubborn as an ox and willing to kill anything that may even think about looking at her funny. But deep below the surface–Kuro is a big softie with a heart of gold. Her main priority is her team and she genuinely loves them all–maybe a bit too much. But she'd never tell them, or ever show them any affection other than a minimal touch or a backhanded compliment.

Likes: cold weather, tea, knives, sunsets, swimming, vibrations

Dislikes: warm weather, super dark places

-Teleportation–she's a zippy motherfucker. If she's physically been to a place anywhere around the world she can teleport there in an instant, but if not she has to at least be able to see where she's going.
-Equipoise–nothing can knock this girl over. She's got perfect balance. Not a speeding train, not another person. Nothing.
-Enhanced durability–damn hard to break her skin or bones. Kinda have to be of one is gonna stand in front of a speeding train.
-Enhanced strength–she's strong. Not super strong, but like bench pressing a silverado is cake to her.

Fears: Losing her team which has become the only family she has left.

Other: Kuro is deaf (and mute by choice), but doesn't let that stop her for nothing. Most people dont even notice until she has someone translate her own version of sign language–which only very few people know fluently. She can read lips perfectly.

Deleted user

I'm gonna add some stuff to Mal :)
I realized I was kinda vauge

Deleted user

Ah, understandable.
I may have just made my description more vague.

Deleted user

Leader - model meanie

Glue-Guy - bendy therapist

Brains - genie without the bottle

Deleted user

I would like to say it now, Arin is the reluctant mom friend.
They're not like,,, there.
But if you got a papercut, you'd find a bandage and a sticky note that said don't be a dumbass.