forum PJO/HoO RP With a Twist
Started by @Becfromthedead group

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Riley could see a bored looking girl with jet-black shoulder length hair looking in her direction. please don't see me! Riley pleaded silently, pressing against the wall.


Oliver stopped training and looked around the arena again. Two people stood out to him most. A bored looking girl with a bow and another girl sitting to the side of the arena, looking like she was trying to hide. He sheathed his knives.


Riley watched as the girl turned around, hoping against hope that she would go back to her archery. Riley always felt uncomfortable when people were scrutinizing her. If Riley had a dollar for every time someone asked her if she was really a child of Ares, she'd have been able to buy all of Long Island.


Oliver walked over to the girls, who were now talking to each other. He wasn't sure why he had walked over, he was just curious. "What're you guys doing?" he asked them.


"Fun," he said. He sat down across from them and started sharpening his knives. "I'm going to guess you're either in trouble, or you're hiding from someone,"


Tessa gave him a cheeky grin. "Very funny." She said sarcastically. "TESSA KENNEDY MORGAN GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Tessa sighed. "Alright, this was fun while it lasted. See you guys later I guess." Then she shot up, running quickly as a girl, maybe eighteen years old, stomped over to her.


(I love PJO so I'm jumping in)

Name: Wendigo Star (Goes by Wendi. Wendigo is a Native American Spirit that was often associated with death. She may or may not have been considered one while with her mother and their tribe.) (Let me know if I need to change it)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Number of years at camp: Two months

Godly parent: Hades

Looks: Night black hair, freckles, brown eyes, Native American mother (she got her looks), and a relatively athletic build

Personality: Shy, upbeat, slightly intimidating because of the whole Hades thing, has a few trust issues since she was deceived by monsters a lot on her way here

Powers: Can control the dead

Weapon of choice: Two twin stygian daggers gifted to her from her father

How they are different from most of their siblings: Terrified of death and often a literal ray of sunshine

Other: Very optimistic, but doesn't exactly like socializing. Prefers if others initiate the conversations. Lived on her own for a few years before being brought to camp Half-Blood.