forum Lost in UA
Started by @Adam_gets_railed_by_men

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@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

"Mm. You should quit whining and do something," Miles says, the illusion clearing to reveal himself. He slaps him in the chest, not even trying to hurt him anymore. As quick as thought, he disappears back into the illusion fog. His disembodied voice says, "To be honest, at this point I'm just helping you. Here's some honest advice." he pauses. "Use your Quirk. Try to use the earth manipulation to find me. Use the earth. Sense who stands on it."


"that's why I'm at ua isn't it? I plan to become like the great pro hero ground zero, second only to pro hero deku" he said and chuckled to himself, childish dream but it's what got him where he was

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

Miles prods with his mind, seeing if Asra is within the memory. Hm. It seems so but… something's telling me otherwise. "Shut up!" he says to the voice inside. It gets louder. "No! STOP!" Miles falls to his knees secretly hoping Asra will fall victim to the act. A trick within a trick. He clutches at his head. The voice is really there, but of Miles's will. He summoned the voice. He creates an invisible box directly in front of him, and masks its presence, as well as a shield on all other sides of him, except for the one with the box. "STOP!" he yells.

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

"Same to you," Miles says, thrusting his hands outwards, in the direction of Asra, pushing the box around him and closing it up. "Appear!" The box becomes visible. It's a metal box with small spikes on every wall around him, but not or the floor and ceiling. "Got ya."

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

Miles explained impatiently, "I just told you. Try to use your Quirk to multiply the bits of earth and water." He closes his eyes and says, "Like this." He picks up a small mound of dirt and makes it flow in the air, back and forth and within 2 minutes there's a fully functional wall. He drops the wall. "See? I didn't even pick up any extra dirt."

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

"Good." He's exhausted. End it and ask him if he wants a little friendly help. Miles charges at him, distracting Asra with clones crowding him. He jumps, enhancing the height with his Quirk, and lands on Asra with his knee on his chest. He dispels the clones. "Checkmate," he says. He releases the box around the arena.