forum Looking for a Anime/Ghibli esqe Fantasy Adventure RP
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte laughed with him and shook her head. “Other than you and my companion, you mean?” she teased just as playfully. “Honestly, it's just little things. The way the sun filters through the leaves. The wildness of the plants and some of the less dangerous animals.” she explained since they had only been traveling for two days but she loved every moment of it.


Cyrus listened and nodded along, smiling to himself. "That's really nice. Yeah, the woods around here are really pretty and only get more whimsical as you head closer to the Elven village."


"Is that your next stop? I'd really recommend it, it's such a pretty place. Although I'd be careful, there are definitely some swindlers in there that like to trick tourists or adventurers."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“It might be.” she nodded. “Thank you for your warning, though I doubt I have much that anyone would be interested in taking.” she admitted, since she was probably not going to be wearing her bracelet when they got there.


Cyrus glanced up with her and smiled. "Your companion still asleep? Well, depending on how long they've been doing this and how often they actually sleep in a town, they could be out for the rest of the day if you don't wake them."


"That's good to know." Then a plate was put onto the window and Cyrus handed it to Charlotte. "There you are. Enjoy that and when your companion wakes up, he's more than welcome to come down and get something."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte smiled as she made her way back to the room. She did remember a couple of cases where travelers slept most of the day, but she usually figured it was either general exhaustion or just one too many drinks the night before.


Rodney was still asleep when she came up, though definitely lighter now. He would eventually wake up on his own but if she wanted him to do something, she'd have to wake him herself.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte giggled at the sight and set the food down on an empty space on the nightstand. “Good morning, sleepy head.” she said gently, placing her hand on his shoulder and giving him a little shake.


Rodney blinked awake with a hum of confusion before seeing Charlotte. It took a second to process who she was before he sleepily smiled. "Morning Charlotte. Have you been up long?"


Rodney sat up and stretched, listening to all his bones crack and pop before relaxing and rubbing his eyes of sleep. "Thank you, my friend. You didn't have to do that."


"I suppose you wouldn't. But thank you anyway." Rodney hummed as he took the tray to rest it on his lap so he could eat, patting his shoulder for Charlotte to rest on.


Rodney hummed as he bit into his eggs, relaxing as he tasted them. He tried his best not to inhale his food, knowing it would only make him sick.