forum "if you've get a secret, you should keep it, pray its never found." Group rp
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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(Since Albion is 12, would he be supervised much since he wouldn't really be considered a super young child? Although he might need more supervision regardless since he's a bit problematic lol)


(Mmm yes, another history nerd 😤)

Ayyyy 😎

So what's your favorite era?

Mmm idk, I tend to just be drawn to the aesthetics of an era, so in those terms I would say the Medieval Era, the Edwardian period and the 1920s

@The-Dyonisia group

(I like the pre-colonial americas, but also the Old and Middle Kingdoms of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Although I also quite like the Victorian period and late 1900's America, mostly because of the fashion)


(Mmm interesting, I agree with Victorian era and late 1900s, fashion is often what draws me to certain periods of time. I especially take interest with the development of womenswear across the dynasties of China and Japan as well. Joseon period Korea has also caught my attention, tho that’s bc I have an rp in that setting hehe)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Jasper
Nickname: Jas
Gender: female
Role(explain deep as ya can):  she's a royal baby, she's a princess, one of the only ones I believe.
Height: 5'0
Weight: 98lbs
Personality: she's got trust issues, she's very nervous and anxious bean, she doesn't understand the concepts of friendship or people who care about you. She doesn't like hurting people but if you get to close she will defend herself on instinct of being both touch starved and hating being touched.
Backstory: Jasper grew up in the royal family but around when she was a lot younger they married her off to some suitor from a noble house promising great things and seeming to be true, Jasper trusted his because she thought he was as he said, a good guy. They let her go home with him to his big house and they were wrong. (trigger warning, domestic abuse)
She was beaten almost all the time, beaten and hit for things that were hardly just, insulted almost every second of everyday and told she always deserves the insults that were given too her. Well the royal family sent someone down to Jasper to see how she was doing, and Jasper was told to remain calm but she broke, sobbing and the guy went to hit her for crying and apologized to the royal family and he was taken back and publically executed but they never told the people why, just he committed treason. She was taken back to her family and now it has been two years.
Looks(photo or desc):
Secret: she has deep trauma with men, and her family is still trying to marry her off even since the last event she's just written off by most as very easy to spook

@The-Dyonisia group

(Ooh, I like the late Qing Dynasty fashion and makeup a lot too, along with Edo period art and fashion. Pre-colombian mesoamerican fashion and body painting is also really interesting)


Name: Queen Rowena of Montgomery
Nickname: n/a
Age: 39
Gender: female
Role(explain deep as ya can): as implied by her title, she’s the queen
Height: 5’10
Weight: 151 lbs
Personality: as queen, Rowena has learned to be very guarded and cold on the outside, and be careful when interacting with others. She’s incredibly intelligent and enjoys the pursuit of knowledge, reading and studying what she can. She’s quiet though, and can seem rather aloof at times. With her logical and calculating mind, she has often been told that she does not think as a woman should. She has never understood this, but plays it off and doesn’t really care.
Backstory: Formerly known as Lady Montgomery, Rowena was born the daughter of one of the men in the current king’s court with ancestors from Spain. She grew up quite a few siblings, which has made her adept at socializing despite her quiet and reclusive tendencies. Having lived in relative comfort up until that point, her arrangement to marry the prince caused her life to speed up fairly quickly. She’s never imagined herself marrying or having children, but it wasn’t like she couldn’t say no to the future king. She was married to the prince at the age of 19, and went from Princess Rowena to Queen Rowena in the course of a month. And only a few years after that, she becomes pregnant. All the stress Rowena held must’ve carried over to her unborn children, because yes, she gave birth to twins. The first was dead, the second alive. This second child, Jasper, was announced to the public as the first, and no one but those closest to the queen knew of the truth. Because she’d never wanted children in the first place, her relationship with Jasper is a bit distant, but she tries to be loving and warm when she can. Some time later, she gives birth to a son, Albion, who she’s more close to due to his younger age.
Looks(photo or desc): With her height and strong, curvy body, Rowena can carry a powerful presence when she wants to. She has thick lips with a sharp Cupid’s bow, and thick eyebrows. Sharp, dark eyes and dark, glossy hair that’s usually pulled up and perfectly curled. Her skin is pale with some olive undertones. She’s usually seen in dark blue, purple, or red dresses with ruffles, and she has a taste for including fur or feathers in her outfit.
Secret: her first child was stillborn; she managed to hide it from the public

Name: Sophia Kitman
Nickname: Sage, (darling, milady, or little fox by her lover)
Age: 16
Gender: female
Role(explain deep as ya can): she’s a maidservant to the noble family, usually carrying coal, lighting the fires, heating water for washing and bathing and carrying it upstairs to the bedrooms. She also cleans chamber pots, changes bed linens, draws the curtains, and scrubs the floors.
Height: 5’5
Weight: 112 lbs
Personality: very fiery and passionate, loyal and loves her loved ones to death, overall very intense. When she is alone however, she is fairly curious and reflective and calmed down. She’s decisive, quick-witted, and clever. Sometimes she’s clumsy, but she’s learned to balance herself because of her job. Also a bit naive
Backstory: Sophia was born to a peasant family in the poorer side of town. Childhood was fairly normal for someone like her; she was loved by her family but they were often stressed and worried about putting food on the table. Her father worked in the mines to extract coal, and often he would come home sick and covered in soot. Often she and her brother James would go to bed with empty bellies. In the summer though, they would often run about outside and collect herbs and plants from the garden or what they could find outside for their mother to cook with. One day, Sophia came home with her arms stuffed with sage, which is how she earned her nickname.
One winter, when Sophia was around 7 or 8 years old, she fell asleep, having forgotten to put out the fire. Some time later, she wakes to find the house ablaze and her father picking her up and carrying her out. Her mother is already outside, and her father goes back to get James, but he comes out alone. Homeless and with no way to support their only daughter, her parents are forced to give her up. Sophia wanders the streets for some time, and lays down outside a fancy-looking house for the night. The housekeeper finds her and takes her in, giving her small tasks at first or asking her to help other servants. She soon meets the family who lives in the house, the noble family. As she grew older, she found herself catching feelings for the noble family’s son. One day they came across each other as Sophia was finishing up a task, and the two accidentally start flirting with each other. A few months and quick kisses stolen, and they end up developing a relationship that’s definitely not platonic, but tense and nervous romance. They know they aren’t supposed to be together, so it’s difficult for them to grow closer, even when alone. Additionally, with Sophia’s work and the son’s status, it’s difficult to find time alone anyway.
Looks(photo or desc): Sophia has a small, lean frame with a diamond-shaped face and pointy nose. Her skin is a warm ivory with freckles speckling her face and limbs, and her hair is fiery red and comes down to about her thighs. It’s usually done up in a braided bun. She has a big mouth with thin lips, and large, expressive yellow-brown eyes. She usually wears a simple brown dress with an apron. Sometimes has smears of coal on her face or dress, and she has burn scars on her arms and shoulder.
Secret: she started the house fire that killed her younger brother and forced her parents to disown her. She’s also in a quasi-romantic relationship with the eldest son of the family