forum “ I’m not wearing that damn colllar.” ( alphaXomega werewolf. Yes it’s gay again -w-)
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Angelo sighed, checking to make sure the curtains were closed, before finally marking him, rolling over when he was done. “Holy… sh-shit…”

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Angelo sighed, then rolled out of the bed, stretching and finding his uniform. “Good idea.” He mumbled

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habiki got on his uniform, along with snatching angelos jacket. he snuggled into it.

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Angelo laughed, pulling the jersey over his head. "That looks so cute on you"

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Angelo blushed. "Exactly why you look adorable in it." He went to hug Habiki from behind, smiling at how soft he was in the jacket.

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Angelo held Habiki's face in his hands, kissing him on the head. "Well, shall we be off then, dear lover of mine?"

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"Alright then" Angelo smirked, taking Habiki's hand and grabbing his keys, then making sure the door was locked as he walked outside

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habiki hoped in the car, happy to be back out on the ice. this time hed have time to dance

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Angelo blasted montrero by lil nas x in the car, reciting all the lyrics perfectly. He pulled up to the practice rink, sighing as he parked the car and went to open Habiki's door. "Hey, could you do a bit of that dancing again?" He asked sweetly

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" sure," he said and chuckled. Habiki got in and got on his skates. He didn't worry about his gear yet. His tights and t-shirt was all he had on. Habiki raced around the ice and started dancing to music. ( Move you body-sai)

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Angelo sat on the bench, watching in awe as Habiki danced for him. He would clap and cheer occasionally, but was mostly focused on Habiki's features

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Habikis skates almost never touched for more then a few seconds. He was skating as fast as he usually could but with much more grace. He kept up, twirling quickly and landing hard on his left. He then continued to backflip. Though habiki never noticed the soft sound of a door opening