forum "I'm a star!" "If you don't gET OFF MY CABLE-" // OxO // Closed
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

people_alt 60 followers


One of the arguers, a secondary character, turned to Ash. "You stay out of this!" "I thought I told you to stop yelling." Cassie near hissed, trying to keep calm and quiet.


Cassie sighed heavily. "Egos clashing. One trying to convince the other that they're more important." "I am more important!" The two yelled in unison.


"Not until she admits I'm better!" One huffed, pointing at the other. "Yes I'm trying to get things under control, they won't listen." Cassie huffed into her headset, starting to reach the end of her rope.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ash brought the other girl to a room backstage " since you wanna act like a toddler, you will be treated like one until you decide to behave, you will stay in this room an read over your lines. " and with that she shut the door and went back to the couch to read her lines