forum Gems roleplay (Open)
Started by @Death_man_

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@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

“Oh, I have a guess.” She snickered, “Are you so jealous of your brother that ya go around challenging people to prove yourself to be better?” She pondered “Or maybe you just wove me so muwch that you muwst be wiff me awll times~” Spinel taunted in a mock baby voice, resting her head on the back of her hand as she looked down at him, hoping it would get him to do something entertaining.

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

“Are ya too thick in the skull ta respond to my questions?” Spinel called after him before simply rolling her eyes and ripping his knife out of the tree, peered at it for a moment before storing it in her gem. She jumped down from the tree and held her hands behind her back as she walked towards the temple. “Jeez, that guy is a nuisance, good thing he’ll be dead in like, six years.” She muttered under her breath, but kept her happy exterior.


looks back as I hold a detnator as I press the but the knife explodes and I look at spinel hit into tree and I put my hood up as I walk away

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

It, unfortunately, didn’t explode, as she had put it away into, basically, a status preserver. That, and it was now in its own little pocket dimension, hasn’t he learned anything about Gems? So anyway, the pink Gem was unaffected.

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

“I’m gonna’ go back to the Temple and try to contact the Diamonds, hopefully they’ll be able to get me outta’ this mess.” She announced to the Gem in front of her.


the time had passed as I fell asleep in the tree and my sketchbook and pencil had fallen to the ground and I glitch a little as I move a little