forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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@emilyevewrites group

Saul came rushing to a halt at the end of the hallway. "I heard Farah," he said breathlessly. His eyes narrowed in confusion seeing Anya and Eve next to an unconscious Farah, and another Farah standing at the other end of the hallway. "Uh… what's going on?"

Deleted user

" long story short, my ex took farahs magic and form and is beating the fuck out of us!"

@emilyevewrites group

Saul immediately knelt beside Farah. "Is she alright?"

"She's alive," Isabel-Farah said coldly in Farah's exact tone.

Saul looked up and immediately back down. "I can't fight her," he muttered. "She's too much like Farah."

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" I didn't want you too, she has Farah's memories. Just distract her the way you would Farah"

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“ okay Saul think, we won’t be able to get far back if you don’t!”

@emilyevewrites group

"How do we wake up Farah?" he asked.

"Simple," Isabel chimed in tiredly. "There can't be two of the same person to exist at once. She's asleep because I'm holding her appearance."

"Then drop her appearance!" Eve snapped.

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Anya got up and walked up to isabela “ I’m in a living hell, what else?”

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“ what else do you want from me? You’ve got what you’ve wanted”

@emilyevewrites group

Isabel laughed. "No, I haven't." Slowly, she stalked towards Anya, beginning to drop Farah's appearance so Anya could see her chilling green eyes and not Farah's warm brown ones. "Not entirely."

Farah stirred slightly, and Saul pulled her into his arms without hesitation. "Farah?"

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Anya’s plan was working “ so what else is it your wanting? I’ll give it..”

@emilyevewrites group

Isabel gritted her teeth. "What's wrong, Anya?"

As Saul held Farah close, Eve stormed over beside Anya. "You don't get to talk to her anymore, alright? You're finished."

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Anya’s cobalt blue eyes softened, “ I’m sorry, I had to.”

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Anya kept Isabel at bay with her fire. Burning it blue to keep at least some distance

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Anya put her hand in eves, her skin hot but she felt no pain this time..

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Anya took a deep breath, letting her fire fall “ it would be best if you left..”