forum fantasy enemies to lovers :0 (o/o) [closed]
Started by @honey-bee

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“You know what, if you’re going to mean to me I might as well just drain the rest of your energy,” Atlas pouted, setting the bowl and rag near enough where he could reach and retreated to the other side of the room, taking a seat on the floor. “There. Now be nice.”


The cool water felt soothing against the hot bruising. Caelen used the rag and water to clean his face and anywhere he was bleeding from before standing up to stretch. There wasnt much to do so he went into the other room to put the bowl away. Caelen came back and sat down where he was before. "Thank you." He said gruffly. "I'm Caelen."


Atlas’ eyes followed Caelen as he moved, eyes flickering up and down, making note of his injuries. “I’m Atlas, nice to meet ya,” he smiled. “I’d shake your hand but.” he waved his fingers for an explanation, not wanting to go into depth about it.


“Depends on what you did to make kingsy so mad,” he said, taking a bite out of his apple. “You say it like it’s a bad thing.” Atlas winked, his voice jumbled by his bite.


Caelen glared at Atlas then sighed. "I have a little brother at home I need to care for. The king has no brain, why take someone's only family away because they publicly made fun of you and got the entire public to agree with your statements." He said, exasperated.


Atlas sat up straight, abandoning his apple. “Wait, that was you?!” he yelled, stars in his eyes. Noticing his tone, his cheeks flushed red, then proceeded in a hush tone. “Dude, the king is pissed at you!”

He had heard the servants whispering about while roaming the halls a few days prior, how they had ”Never seen the king so red and quiet!” He laughed, clutching his stomach.


Caelen couldn't help himself and let out a chuckle. "It was meant to be satire, a little fun for the public. I didnt think the king was such a softie." He said, shaking his head. A few loose hairs fell into his face and Caelen blew them back into place.


“Oh yes, his ego is as fragile as a glass. It’s quite funny actually,” he took a deep breath, calming himself down. “If I recall correctly, I once met someone who had put up missing posters for the king’s hand, as he had lost it in battle. It was a few years back, but it was the funniest thing I had heard.” Atlas said, the edges of his eyes crinkling as he told his story.


(That's ridiculous and I cannot stop laughing XD)

Caelen burst into laughter. "I remember that! Didn't he plan to put it on display after it got found?" He asked, relaxing a little.


He nodded, laughing along. “He was hilarious, I tell you. What was his name? Maybe-“ Atlas was cut off as the door burst open, revealing a flew of guards. He blanched, hands clutching his shirt.

“You come with me,” the guard said gruffly while pointing at Atlas. “Dane, get the prisoner.” He opened his mouth in protest but was quickly silenced by a harsh grip on his arm, sure to leave bruises.


"Hey, what do you think you're doing? You cannot just grab someone like that." Caelen growled, pushing the guard who had a hold of Atlas. He stood in front of the boy with a defensive fighting position and turned his ability up so the guards heard things in a higher sound. "Speak in a loud voice." He murmured back to Atlas.


Atlas stumbled and looked up at Caelen with wide eyes. Loud voice, loud voice… He racked his mind on what to say but settled on the obvious. "Stop!" he yelled, making sure to say it with his chest. He hoped what the other had in mind went well, or whatever happened after this wouldn't be as nice.


The guards, who suddenly had much more sensitive ears than both Caelen and Atlas, covered their ears and fell to the ground in pain. Caelen stopped using his ability and threw them all out of the room. He posed the door and sat against the wall right next to the door in case anyone decided to come back

(Sorry, I got busy because our basement flooded)


(all good!! hope everything’s going okay)

Atlas’ hands were shaking and his chest was heaving. “You-You shouldn’t of done that, they’ll just come back with more guards,” he stammered out, trying to calm himself down, but ultimately failing. “They’re gonna be so pissed!


"Then I'll kick their asses again. Also, they didnt lock the door after I threw them out so essentially we can just leave." Caelen sheathed and pushed the door open. The guards who were once there had gone. "And we better leave now if you don't want to get in more trouble." He smirked


“Are you stupid?!” Atlas harshly whispered, grabbing Caelan’s arm and tugging the other towards him. “The kings men are the best of the best, we’re gonna get killed when they find us!” he glared full force at him. Atlas had tried to escape one time with another prisoner a few years back and they had gotten caught; it didn’t go well for either of them.


Caelen looked at him incredulously. "I knocked out a handful of them in a few minutes, I'm sure I can take on a few more." He walked out of the room. "You can come if you want." He said over his shoulder


If I want?! This man just walked out and into the open castle, like nothing was going to touch him. Atlas huffed, debating if this was really worth losing his life over, and ultimately exited the room. "This way genius," he said, tugging Caelen's arm in the opposite direction. "Heading straight into the guard's barracks isn't what I would call a good idea."


(I apologise if I'm being a bit too forward, just tell me if you dont want me to do something and I'll change the reply)

Caelen pulled his arm back. "Its my first time in the palace." He grumbled, a blush making it's way onto his face.


(nah, i think it's perfect!)

"Duh," Atlas rolled his eyes, glancing back up at the other, eyes widening slightly at the redness of his cheeks. He hadn't had anyone blush because of him before, none the less actually tolerating him. He made a note of it in the back of his mind and continued navigating through the palace, making sure to take the safest way out.


"We should hide out in the garden. With the amount of birds and animals there, I should be able to cover the sounds we make by making their sounds higher." Caelen spoke, having seen the garden from a window they passed a short distance ago.


“Exactly what I was thinking,” Atlas peeked his head around a corner, freezing as he saw a patrol of guards. “Shit. In here.” he pushed the other into a closet like space, quickly following and shutting the door, making the darkness fill the space. It was only then he realized how small it was.


“Shhh, be quiet,” Atlas whispered, leaning over and trying to see through the crack of the door. The best he could see was blurry shapes and the faint sound of talking. Come on, just move already.