forum Cult Of Dionisius | Always Open | group rp | 14-16+
Started by @ClownB*tch eco

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@requiemisback language

Wes nodded. "Yeah. Paperwork sucks like hell," he said, laying down on his back. "I wish paperwork didn't exist, but then I tell myself that if there wasn't any paperwork being filed as of yet, the world would be absolute anarchy right now." Wes chuckled quietly.


(is it okay if she's a human-dragon hybrid?)
Name: Crimson
Age: 13 (almost 14)
Gender/Pronouns: she/her
Appearance: her hair is red like fire, she mostly wears red.
Personality: Caring, kind, aggressive when provoked
Backstory: (I'll add it later)
Theme Song: Red Lips (Psychic Type Remix)

@requiemisback language

(it's all good!)

Wes thought about it for a second. "Now that I think about it… Not really, no. In fact, anarchy sounds way more interesting than anything I'll ever get involved in. God, why'd they have to make world domination so tempting?" he said, ending in a rhetorical question and chuckling again.


(i'll make my entrance.)
Something slithered in the shadows. A dull ringing sound echoed throughout the area, then something shimmered. It looked like…..scales?

@requiemisback language

Wes heard a ringing sound but paid no mind, but then something shimmered and he got slightly curious. He didn't wanna walk away during a conversation though, so he acted like he didn't see or hear anything.


A faint chittering sound came from a few feet away from the two. A ruby-red tail appeared from the shadows, the tip long and sharp.

@requiemisback language

"I- Yeah I'm fi-" Wes began, but was cut off by something coming out from the shadow cast by the trees in the clearing. He quickly looked away and continued. "I'm fine, yeah. Just thought I heard somethin'… probably my imagination though, eh?" He laughed at himself, trying to steer the conversation elsewhere.


Crimson didn't know her tail was showing from the shadows as she rested against a tree. She hummed along to the chorus of Psycho by Mia Rodriguez.

@ClownB*tch eco

"O-oh okay!" Flower looked into the trees, trying to figure out what Wes saw when a red scale, sparkling in a ray of sunshine catches her eye.


Crimson opened her eyes, revealing red, slit eyes, faintly sparkling in the light. Her tail slowly swayed along to the beat of the music.