forum Camp Half-Blood (reboot. anyone can join)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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She chuckled “I’d win anyway” as they got closer to the arena she had a sort of giddy excitement she could see the steps leading down and she spoke “so let’s do this thing” she said in a confident tone


Nick rolled his eyes but didn't counter. He didn't bother objecting. She was a worthy opponent. There was a chance she could win but he certainly wouldn't make it easy.


Amelia laughed. "The less work i have to do, the better. For me at least." She handed him the suncreen. "Please, put some on." She didn't say please very often, not even to her cabin mates. It felt a little strange coming out of her mouth, but she meant it all the same.

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She almost ran down the steps with excitement and at the bottom she pulled out her longsword and pointed it up at him in a theatrical way “Nicolas I challenge you to a duel” she said this in a jokingly theatrical voice her facial expression was that of one holding back laughter


Nick walked down the steps, rolling his eyes. He said nothing, letting her have her fun. If the world was good enoigh, she would never have to use these skills in the outside world. He drew his swords. "And i accept."

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The main problem with fighting him is his two swords it makes it a lot harder to block and attack as they got the the field she walked around in a circle around him”would you like to strike first”


Wendi regretted staying where she was with the pair next to her almost blatantly flirting. She couldn't leave until they left becuase if she left then they would know she was there. And that wasn't something that Wendi wanted, but, but she could always move the mist with her and work on that.


Amelia scowled. "Fine, but when you get burned, i am not rubbing aloe on you. And you can forget being friends when we're old and your skin feels like leather because you didn't take care of yourself."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"aww i didnt know you wanted to grow old with me and cared so much." he teased her. "I dunno leather feels kinda cool." he smirked at her before finally taking the bottle and putting some on his face.

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Mya bowed in return and slowly moved forward in an attack stance she jumped forward and fainted an attack at his head and attack his legs instead


(Im really bad at fight scenes so excuse my horrible writing lol)

Nicholas took a step back, moving his sword to block the blow while his right sword swung at her side.

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(It is fine I am not the best at it either)
She parried the second blow and aimed a kick at his side hoping to disrupt a movement and she followed up with a second slice