forum Bright Spark Academy for the Brightest Minds (always open) (little bit of dark academia here and there)
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Bright Spark Academy. It sounds good on paper, an academy for fine minds ages 14-18 to really expand their horizons, to learn and grow their academic abilities and go on to become successful professors, doctors, lawyers and judges, etc. Many even do. But there are secrets here, like with every academy. For instance, all of your character's classes have been chosen for them, and nobody else knows why or cares. And the other professors at the school are fine, but your character only have three, and they're all very sketchy seeming in some way or another, whether it be qualifications or ethics. And the rest of your class is in exactly the same situation. Whatever is going on here, one way or another, must be solved. But will your characters live long enough to figure this out?

Rules are mainly just keep it PG-13, and have fun. I'll post a template when people join, this will have to do with alchemy and "magic" to some degree, but your characters are all normal humans… for now.