forum anything that brain of yours can think of can be found (open)
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Deleted user

Four teenagers diagnosed with mental disorders of various kinds are loaded up into a van and taken somewhere, away from the hospital they’ve been locked up in for so long. It’s a beautiful place, with long stretching gardens and a housekeeper who is very kind. However, they are not allowed to leave or go into town without explicit permission from the Warden, nor are they allowed to contact the outside world during their stay here. Who is the Warden? He’s a formidable man, who nobody has seen in ten years before your four characters arrived at his institution for troubled youth, which only takes in four children at a time. But sinister things are happening, and will the children find their way out, or will they be trapped here for all time?

Okay so. This is vaguely based off of the Chronicles of Narnia but darker so expect magic, other worlds, and a knowledge of mental health standard for the 50’s-60’s era. Your characters could be diagnosed with just about anything so long as it’s reasonable for the era, such as schizophrenia or homosexuality or infertility maybe even but that last one is so Victorian I hesitate to use it as an example. Your characters can be anywhere ranging from 13-19 and can come from any background but keep in mind that this is the 50’s-60’s so racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and sexism are things, as long as any religion but Christianity being very frowned upon.

I’ll post a template when someone joins, I need three people to make this work but more are welcome and it doesn’t strictly have to be four teenagers going to the Warden’s House, it can be more. Rules are same as andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s, and please keep this fun for everyone guys!

Deleted user

Physical/Mental Illnesses?:


Name: Lola "Honey" Patterson
Age: 15
Gender/Pronouns/Orientation: Female, she/her, she doesn't have a name for it
Appearance: Wavy, honey blond hair that falls to her midback, green eyes, and fair skin. She is fairly petite, and has freckles on her face and shoulders. She's usually wearing pastels.
Personality: Outgoing, known to be incredibly sweet (hence the nickname "Honey"), extremely friendly, and curious.
Background: Lola grew up with a pretty average, white-picket-fence type of family, and acted fairly normal as a child, even if she did have an "overactive imagination" and held onto imaginary friends for a little too long. However, all it took was her writing about the cute girl in English class freshmen year in her diary and a snooping mother to get her carted away.
Physical/Mental Illnesses?: Homosexual, experiences hallucinations, though they haven't named an exact illness
Other: She loves stories and music, and could listen to either for hours. Her favorite artist is Buddy Holly.

Deleted user

Name: Alberto Romano
Age: 17
Gender/Pronouns/Orientation: AMAB nonbinary but closeted/questioning still, currently goes by he pronouns but doesn’t like it, attracted to men (also closeted about this)
Appearance: Alberto has pale, olive toned skin, greasy black hair that falls to his shoulders, and overall dresses in a very punk/alt fashion. His eyes are a brilliantly depressing grey with little light in them, and he’s fairly short, topping out at 5’3”.
Personality: Very blunt, has a lot of behavioral issues stemming from childhood trauma. Lies a lot, and has gotten very good at masking behaviors that would make him seem like “a mental”. He’s violent, angry, and hates the world at large, but can also hide this to get what he wants when he wants it. However, he doesn’t always understand the meanings of what people say, and gets angry when he gets confused and often cries or lashes out as a coping mechanism.
Background: Alberto was a quiet child, as in, he didn’t speak until he was seven years old at which point he began to very quickly speak full sentences and hold lengthy conversations. He was a bright child, but after being sexually assaulted by his aunt, he stopped talking to people and started setting fires, literally and figuratively. He’d fallen in with a crowd of anarchists, and as such held contempt for society and how it hurt him. A girl in his group two years older than him named Ella pushed herself onto him and they began to date. He was very close with his friends and never hurt them until the day he was taken away, at which point he kicked his then-girlfriend in the face to get her off of him after she was trying to calm him down from a meltdown. They dumped him out on the streets at which point he was taken in by police and sent to live in a mental hospital at 15.
Physical/Mental Illnesses?: Alberto is autistic, but with the context of the time autism was actually considered closer to schizophrenia and so the terms were used interchangeably, he is currently diagnosed with “sociopathy” (as much as I hate the term that’s probably what it would have been considered to be then). Selectively mute. Deaf in his right ear and talks a bit too loud as a result.
Other:EDIT I forgot to fill this in. Alberto has a fascination with birds and used to own pigeons before he was taken away.

Deleted user

He’s basically me but an anarchist haha. Also, not to sound like I’m hating on your character but female homosexuality wasn’t as demonized back then so note that your character while would maybe have been sent to a mental asylum, might have had other issues going on too to add to the diagnosis just saying.

Deleted user

Makes sense! Also, I wasn’t saying you had to change anything but if you want to go ahead!