forum A Thing You Won't Remember
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Romulus didn't bother scrunching up to make room. If she wanted the room, she could move, but she seemed content, interestingly enough.
"One last category of people you didn't mention: Those who deserve to die." He looked into the fire, but the look of fierce enjoyment on his face was unmistakable. "There are those who deserve death as their only form of justice, and killing them is a feeling unlike anything else. Being the hammer of justice, the hand of the fates in dealing death to those who deserve it… Those are the only times I intentionally smile while killing."
He paused for a long moment, before looking up, his face settling into that familiar easy smile.
"Indeed, something more cheerful, but remember, you asked the question."


Elia dug her feet under his thigh, letting his warmth warm her cold feet. He didn't seem bothered by her touch, she might as well take advantage of it. He was unnaturally warm, it wouldn't take long before her feet were warm and cozy. "Some people deserve death, that I won't deny. I hope you made them suffer." She wasn't unaware of the horrors man committed. She had experienced a few herself and not just the death of her family.
"How have you enjoyed your palace life? If I'm correct, which I am, you weren't meant to succeed a throne. How are you handling the changes?"

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Romulus grinned down at her feet, before glancing up at her in surprise. Once again, she'd asked a question he hadn't expected.
"To be honest, Father always swore we'd rule somewhere. He was never content with my uncle's ascension to the throne, but they're much too close for him to ever want to challenge that." Romulus shrugged. "My uncle told him, and myself ever since I was very young, that we would inherit control of some of the smaller territories when Grandfather passed on. So the concept of one day ruling somewhere was not new to me. But." He paused, remembering who he was talking to. "Well. You've said it. I wasn't meant to inherit this crown, and certainly not amongst a people who, as you put it so well, will never love me or want me, really."
The clock chimed, and Romulus nodded. "And that, my venomous beauty, is our evening." He stood and gathered his things. You have the rooms for the night, if you like. I know yours are nice but the bed is very comfortable up here." Most of the others had stayed after he'd left, but he'd left it up to them.
The Prince stepped to the door, before turning and bowing low, as he had to all the rest. It was much easier to do sober and fully awake.
"I bid you goodnight, Elia."


It was interesting, really, to hear his side of the story. Elia had no sympathy for him of course, he wasn't meant to rule her kingdom. But this was the situation they were dealt with. Her head turned to the clock at the chime. She grinned at his endearment, quite liking it. Maybe that would be her new nickname.
She stood, following him to the door. "Leaving so soon, you highness? If the bed is as comfortable as you say, I think you would much prefer it to where ever your camping. Besides, I'm quite enjoying your company. I wouldn't mind sharing the bed. It's large enough I can pretend you're not even in the bed with me."
Dangerous thing she was doing. Dangerous to want to spend the night with her enemy, especially one as attractive as he was. She could control her sexual prowess, but her tongue, she wasn't sure of. There was too much to him that she wanted to know, so much she wanted to ask. When would she get chance like this again.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Romulus chuckled. "I leave at roughly the same time every night, unless I'm otherwise occupied. And that's quite the interesting offer, to share the bed while pretending I'm not there." He grinned at her, his face softening a bit as he opened the door and stepped into the hall.
"I am glad you've enjoyed the company though. Again, good night."
And he was gone.

Romulus walked down the stairs, and met Madame Rosette at the bottom as usual. "Elia did not disappoint, Madame Rosette." He smiled and winked over her shoulder at Lear, who was reading on the couch. "Ready to go, bookworm?"
Lear nodded and set the book on the side table, before standing. He bowed to Madame Rosette, and the two tall Haradrim walked out the door.
They got a down the street, the guards following, before Lear said anything.
"Same plan as usual, Romulus?"
The Prince nodded, his smile replaced by a steely grin. "As usual, Lear."


Elia waved him goodbye. "Sleep well, prince."
He'll be back. They always come back for her.
She took his advice and fall back onto the bed. It was one of the most comfortable beds she had ever slept in. She tangled herself under the covers and one too many layers of blankets. They were too soft not to sleep under.
It didn't take her long to fall into a comfortable sleep.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The morning came quickly. Romulus knew how to be endearing and friendly, how to try to make friends with the town's people, how to change hearts and minds with coin and genuine smiles.

He also knew how to make a statement.

The Haradrim had largely camped outside of town, and had walked in and out every day. The guards had worn some armor, but Romulus had not yet, and none of them had carried obvious weapons.

Today was different.

The Prince rode into Lakeside in his full armor, the highly reflective black metal gleaming in the morning sunlight. His Wulf was a sharp contrast at a brilliant blood-red color. The combination of the big man and the huge animal was a statement all its own. Ruir stood 8 feet at the shoulder, and Romulus was standing in the saddle as they came into town, which made him 14 feet tall. He managed to tower over some of the 10 foot houses in town.

The rest of the Haradrim rode either horses or smaller Wulves, their armor and weapons various shades of metallic colors. Lear was wearing a similarly colored blood-red armor, and riding a massive white horse. The most jarring part of the whole presentation was not the armor and weapons, though. It was the silence.
The Haradrim had come into town laughing and joking every day, had made friends and built relationships over the course of the week. They had inside jokes with some of the townsfolk already, and were usually calling names or challenges by this point.
Not today. Today they rode in silence, the only noise the thunder of their hooves and paws on the ground.
They made two stops. One was in front of the magistrate's court, where Romulus and Lear went in and came back out a half hour later.

The other was in front of Madame Rosette's Coquettes, where a crowed had formed. Somebody, maybe even one of the guards, had started a whispered rumor that this is where they would be, and half the town was there, waiting.
The guards circled Romulus as he rode up. He stood tall over them, his feet planted firmly in the stirrups of his saddle. He tugged on the lead line attached to Ruir's bridle, and the Wulf reared on his hind legs. For a moment, Romulus looked like some legend of old, come to life in the street, a warrior in black armor on the back of a roaring Wulf.

He let Ruir down on all fours and removed his helmet, his hair managing to look disheveled but charming at the same time.
"Lakeside, good morning!" His voice thundered out over them, carrying easily in the silence the spectacle had created. "I've come to say my goodbyes to your beautiful town, and I thought, what better place, than one of the finest collections of beauty Lakeside has to offer!" He turned towards the brothel. "Madame Rosette, I would ask one more favor of you." He paused.
"Could you tally the collective debt of all of your workers for me?"


Rumors circulated the brothel. The prince was making an announcement. He would be right outside the brothel. The girls and boy ran about as they readied themselves in their best clothing. They wanted to be there, to hear what he had to say.
I bet he fell in love with me and is coming to take me away.
No way, he wouldn't want you when he could have me!
What if he is going to kill us?
Is he going to give us presents?
Their naivety made Elia roll her eyes. She cared not how she looked. Her hair was undone, no cosmetics were adorned on her face. She wore a modest gown, having had plans to visit the town before the rumors had sparked. She watched as they ran out the door, forming a crowd just outside. Madame Rosette had even joined them. Elia had no such desire. She stood in the entrance of the doorway, leaning against the frame, listening.
She straightened as she heard his words, her heart pounding.
What was he doing?

Madame Rosette was flabbergasted. Why did he want to know their debt? Did he think of taking them from her? She wanted to tell him to shove it and hide her girls and boys inside. But he was the prince. She couldn't do that unless she wanted to face the gallows.
"Roughly 100,00 gold pieces, Your Highness."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The Prince smiled widely. "100,000 gold pieces. Quite a tidy sum." He turned to Lear. "Lear, my good man, did the Magistrate have a license on file for Madame Rosette?"
Lear spoke up from his horse. "No, my Prince, there was no license to be found."

Romulus nodded slowly. "Interesting." He turned back to Madame Rosette. "My good Madame, are you aware that it has been a crime in this Kingdom to run a brothel without a license for many years?"
It was true, and it was a rule that had been on the books for much longer than the Haradrim had been in power
He paused for only a moment, to let his words sink in, before continuing. "That means that you, as the proprietor of this business, owe years of fines to the crown."

He made eye contact with Lily and Calvin and smiled at them. "I will pay the collective debt of all of your workers, the 100,000 gold pieces you asked for. I will deduct from that the fines you owe the crown, which come to roughly 99,000 gold pieces."
His smile widened as two of the guards set a small chest on the porch of the brothel. "There is the remaining 1000 pieces of gold you are owed. This settles our business deal, as well as frees all of your workers from debt servitude."

The Prince waited for the crowds' gasping and murmuring to die down. "That means that all of you who worked here are free to go, if you so wish. If you would like to stay, and continue to work here at will, that is entirely up to you. However, any who wish to come with me will be given education, jobs, and a home, where you will be able to thrive without needing to sacrifice your bodies for others' pleasure."
He smiled at Madame Rosette. "As of today, you are a licensed business owner. I purchased the license for you from the magistrate myself, not half an hour ago. Congratulations!"
Romulus turned to the crowd. "I noticed this week that your beautiful home is without any kind of peacekeeping system. I'm leaving a small squad of guards here, who will be stationed just outside of town. They will provide you with protection, as well as settling disputes, and enforcing the laws that are on the books. They are not here to bully, badger, or break you."
He glanced back at the ex-brothel workers. "On the contrary, they are here to ensure you are treated equitably by your employers." Romulus made pointed eye contact with Madame Rosette at the end of the sentence.
"Now that that is in order, are there any who would wish to come with me?"

There was a moment of stiff silence. Nobody moved.

Until Calvin walked over, took Lily's hand, and marched through the circle of guards up to Romulus.


Elia watched the affair with wide eyes and slight amusement. She could hardly contain the laugh bubbling in her chest from the look at the Madame. She was gaping like a fish out of water. It was entertaining, really.
The six that were underage went to the prince's side. It drew a small smile from Elia, giving her peace that they would be taken care of, though she doubted they would ever truly get over the horrors they faced. Majority of the older ones left as well, but there was a few that stayed behind. Like Elia, they had spent most of their life at the brothel. They knew nothing else and preferred their position.
Elia trained her gaze on the prince. She made no move to accept his proposition but also made no move to join her Madame. For the second time in her life, she was at a loss. She didn't know what to do. She had no control here.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Romulus smiled to himself. He was happy with how this had gone.
The teens had all come with him. Several of the older workers had started to, before they realized who he was leaving behind.
The 20 guards Romulus was stationing here were the kind men who had treated the brothel workers so kindly all week. Several of the older workers had decided to stick around when they learned all the guards were single and would be stationed here indefinitely. Whether those workers would stay at the brothel was highly in doubt. A few had already been asked on proper dates by the guards.
Romulus smiled a bit more. The magistrate had practically fainted in gratitude when Lear had explained they were leaving a police force behind. The townsfolk seemed to at least be happy at the idea of being treated well by their employers.
His smile turned to a grin when he glanced at Lear, who was expertly handling Madame Rosette's protests. His Lieutenant was a master of diplomacy, and one of the original practitioners of the art of tasteful, sarcastic deflection.
His gaze fell on Elia, still standing in the door. He stayed in his saddle, where he needed to be to keep the aura of authority, but he leaned down and said something Calvin.
The teen hurried past the spluttering Madame and up to Elia.
"The Prince wanted me to tell you he would very much like to continue your conversation from last night, if you'll come with us."
Romulus watched her, trying to catch her eye. He was being polite about it, but she was coming with him, one way or another.


Elia turned to Calvin, a soft smile on her lips. She brushed his hair out of his face, caring for him in a maternal manner. She had always tried to care for and be there for the younger ones. They didn't deserve this fate, having their childhood ripped away from them. She tried to buy them gifts every once in a while, to hold on to a part of their inner child.
She leaned in to whisper in his ear. "You can tell the prince that if he would like me to come with him, he'll have to come get me himself."
She was playing fire and she was going to get burned if she was careful.
Ironically, she was fireproof, not that anyone needed to know that.
She patted Calvin's cheek, sending him off the prince. Her smile turned into a mischievous grin as she watched the boy whisper her words back to the prince. She was curious what he do.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Calvin reported back, and Romulus caught the mischievous expression on Elia's face. He watched her for a moment, before he returned her grin and shook his head slowly, laughing.
"Venomous, indeed."
He put his helmet back on. The morning was marching on, and they had a ways to ride before making camp for the night. He called something to Lear, who nodded.
Romulus waved to the people once more, some of whom dared to cheer him on, before he slapped Ruir's lead line. The Wulf took off, and 6 of the guards who weren't staying spurred their mounts after the Prince.
They were out of sight in less than a minute, leaving nothing but footprints and a cloud of dust.

Madame Rosette eventually ran out of words. Lear looked amused, but polite, the entire time.
He brought that same expression to his conversation with Elia.
"My Prince has tasked me with helping you pack your things to join us." He smiled, as one of the three guards who weren't staying, but had stayed with Lear and the teens, stepped up behind him. The man was wearing grey armor, and wasn't tall, but he was insanely stocky and looked very strong.
The implication was clear.
Lear indicated her room. "Anything you would like to take with you, we will pack. Clothing, trinkets… All your lovely books, certainly."


Elia gave Lear a warm smile, one reserved for friends. "And where would the prince have me go? I'm too old to be placed in an adopted home. Does he mean to marry me off to some low noble? Or perhaps to be his personal whore?"
She truly had no idea what a prince would want with her. Perhaps if they had spent the night in the sheets, she could understand him wanting to keep her from himself, but they had not. He never touched her once. It was she who initiated contact.
"I'm not sure much of my clothing is proper for society. You should tell your prince that will be part of my price for leaving with him, proper clothes. I'm not cheap." She winked at Lear.
"I wouldn't go anywhere without my books, love, I thought you knew me better than that. I hope your men are strong. I do have a lot."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Lear's smile turned less forced as she indicated she would cooperate. "Oh, come now, being adopted is an option for any age. Ironically, it's the most likely of the 3 you mentioned. A man who can have any woman in the kingdom has no need for a personal whore, and he would not saddle another man with you, upon whom you might unleash your venom." He chuckled. "I cannot say exactly what the Prince has in mind, but you might be surprised by some of the choices he has made for former brothel workers in the past."
He outright laughed when she winked at him. She could be funny when she wasn't angry, and Lear was glad to see she seemed to be taking this well. "If you have any clothing at all you wish to bring, do so, but the Prince has already made sure to provide for you and the rest who came with him. You will all have full budget to be able to purchase enough clothing to last you a week between washings. In fact…" Lear stepped into her room and lowered his voice. "I was personally wondering if you might be willing to help some of the young girls choose their clothing. Many of them have only ever dressed to catch the eye, and may have no idea how to dress carefully or practically." He chuckled again. "They're about to be travelling with a group of men, and while we will all be kind to them, not a one of us knows much about lady's fashion." He looked around, taking stock of the space they would need to transport the books. He turned back to her after a moment.
"I would not expect you to leave your books here, don't worry. They'll come with us." He stepped towards her on his way out the door. "A word of caution: try not to think of yourself as cheap or expensive, even as a joke. You're a person, not an object to be bought or sold any longer." His smile was gentle this time. "I cannot say why the Prince wants you to come with us, exactly, but I can certainly say that he is right in his choice. You dont belong in a place like this." His smile lingered on her a moment longer, before turning and heading out.
"Lay out what you want to take with you, other than the books, on the bed. The men will be in soon to help pack it up." he called over his shoulder.


Elia smiled at his laugh. Deep inside her, she was in a panic. If he had means to bring her to the palace, what would become of her? If anyone recognized her, she would be screwed. If she said anything or did anything in a manner that showed she was comfortable or knew her way about, she was screwed. She would have to watch every step, every noise that she made. In the palace, there was no real alone time. Someone was always watching, always reporting back to someone else. It was dangerous. What she was doing was so dangerous.
"Of course, I will help them, though I cannot guarantee that all of them will listen to me. Some of them like to think they're too good and above taking my advice." She could do the best that she could but it was no secret that a handful of older girls despised her. They hated her for the treatment she got from the Madame. They hated her for being the top girl. If only they knew what had gone through to get there, they would not feel so jealous then.
"There is always someone more powerful that wishes to use those below them. I am not naive enough to think my prince charming has come to whisk me away. Women are not treated well in Venia anymore. I don't care what happens to me as long as the others are taken care of." She sighed deeply as she moved to her shelves, pulling out books to take with her. "How do you know I don't belong here? I've been here over half my life, I don't remember much else."
She watched him leave. The moment he was out of sight, she collapsed on the bed. She put her head in her hands and took several deep breaths. What would become of her? She knew her place with Madame Rosette. She had everything under control. But now a prince was stealing them all away and she had no control over anything. Where would he be taking her? She shook herself out of it and quickly laid out the things she wanted. Other than her books, there weren't many personal items. A couple pieces of clothing, a brush and a comb, and a pair of shoes. She wanted nothing else.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Lear didn't respond to her cynicism, other than to nod and acknolwedge her nerves. He sent the stocky guard, Alak, to go help her pack after a few minutes.
The guard knocked on her door, and stood there with a small trunk. Lear had told him the girl probably wouldn't want much.
When she eventually opened the door, he cleared his throat. "Ahem, ma'am, I'm here to help you pack." His voice was more of a growl, but not an aggressive one. It was just very deep and gravelly. He stepped in and set the small trunk on the ground. "All of your belongings of course go in the trunk. And any books you might wish to read as we travel. The rest will be stored carefully, but in a less accessible place." He waited for her to choose which books, if any.
Alak had kept his visor down, for the particular reason that Elia dazzled him. She was very beautiful, and clearly a tad nervous at the moment, and Alak, despite being built like a short, round boulder, was a kind man. His natural urge to try to comfort her needed to be quelled.
So he kept the visor down, schooling his features behind it.

Lear smiled as one of the guards drove up the wagon they had bought. Lear and Carth would ride their steeds, while Alak and Dorn would drive the wagon, pulled by their Wulves. The teens and Elia would ride in the wagon, since Lakeside had no mounts for them to buy. Perhaps the next town would, but the wagon would be good for hauling their things as well.

Lear checked the time. He knew where Romulus and the other guards would be stopping for the night, and he knew how long it would take his little party to get there. By the time they arrived, the others should have a camp set up and food ready for the newcomers. It was a system Romulus had developed years before, and it had worked so far.
He looked up as Alak began carrying books out of the brothel, and stacking them in the wagon. He would stack them evenly across the floor, before they laid long boards over the books. The floor of the wagon would be even, the books would be stored and protected, and no space would be lost for passengers and other things.


Elia smiled beautifully at the guard. His appearance didn't matter to her. She had never been one to care about looks, despite her beauty. Some of her best patrons had been the ones considered unattractive to the majority. She carefully packed her few things into the trunk, placing a few romance books in there as well. Not enough to weigh it down too heavily, just a few to get her through the road ahead.
"Thank you, love, for the help. I appreciate it."
She took one last look at her room, remembering everything she had gone through to get there. It wouldn't be something she ever forgot. She learned a great many things while in employment. She would do well to remember.
Taking a deep breath, Elia turned and walked out of the room and out of the brothel. She never once looked back. It didn't deserve that from her. She made her way over to Lear, looking around, before setting her gaze on him. "I am begging you," she poke in a low voice, "Please don't make me ride in the wagon with the others. There is only so much I can take. I promise I can sit prettily on a horse. I just don't want to be back there with them."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Alak bowed, an impressive motion for a man almost as big around as he was tall, and carried her trunk out, setting it in the back of the wagon. He proceeded to pack all of her books, carefully and neatly stacking them, before covering them over in boards, forming the floor of the wagon.
The poor teens, as a group, had fit all of their belongings in one small chest. It was set next to Elia's, and the teens climbed into the wagon. Lily and Calvin sat next to each other, and Lily, the sweet girl, waved timidly at Elia and patted an open spot next to her.
The wagon wasn't cramped, they would all have plenty of room, and the sides had been covered over in canvas and blankets, creating padded seats.
Lear looked at her for a long moment. "My friend, where did a peasant learn to ride a horse in Venia?" Horses were a status symbol, and Lear knew full well only a noble would be comfortable on one. He looked at her a moment longer, before smiling politely.
"No matter. But I'm afraid we don't have an extra horse to offer you, and there are none to be found in Lakeside. I checked personally." He looked over her shoulder at where Lily was still smiling sweetly. "I think you will survive. If they set upon you just scream, and I'm sure Alak will make sure you're safe." He winked, before turning and nearly leaping into his saddle. "Claim your spot, we leave as soon as you're seated."


Elia gave him a vulgar gesture, ignoring the gasps from the wagon. "I never said I knew how to ride a horse, just that I am content to sit behind you. Or in front. I suppose it depends on your preference."
In all honesty, Elia wasn't sure she could even ride a horse anymore. It had been twelve years. And the last time she rode she was too small to ride anything but a pony. The basics were easy enough to remember. Sit. Steer. Pray the horse listens to you.
She took a deep breath before turning on her heel and walking to the wagon. She claimed the spot next to Lily, wrapping her arm around the girl. She liked the girl. Lily was quiet and shy. She made a much better companion than some of the others. They were gossipers. they loved to whisper amongst themselves and blow things out of proportion. They were already doing so. They irritated Elia to no end.
"Don't worry, darling, I'll make sure you are taken care of." She whispered to Lily, brushing back her hair and kissing the top of her head. She smiled at Calvin and reached over to ruffle his hair. "I'll make sure you are both taken care of."
She and the prince were going to have a conversation about this.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Lear grinned at her gesture, turned his horse to go, and returned vulgarity for vulgarity. "I usually prefer to ride from behind, but you're no longer a whore, Elia. Into the wagon with you."

Alak made sure she was seated before he slapped the reins. The Wulves took off at a run, pulling the wagon easily behind them.
Lily smiled up at her happily snuggling into Elia while keeping a grip on Calvin's hand. The boy looked at her, his intelligent eyes taking in her words. He smiled slowly as she ruffles his hair.
"Thank you, Elia."

Their trip was uneventful. They had left around noon, and made good time. Lakeside was a medium sized town in a rural area of the kingdom, and they passed several farms. Lear stopped once and purchased some fresh fruits, which he set in the back of the wagon. Lily had taken one shyly, and he'd smiled. "They're for everyone, please eat."
They kept going, taking the occasional break to stretch and relieve themselves. The sun was beginning to set by the time they came around a bend in the path and saw a guard waving them down. Lear rode over and spoke with him for a moment, before signaling Alak. Another 5 minutes off the path and into the forest brought them to a campsite. There were tents set up, several fires burning, and food being prepared.
The wagon stopped, and Lear dismounted. "The smaller tents will be your rooms for the week. We generally put two in a tent, so pick your partners." He indicated which direction the smaller tents were.
Calvin looked at Elia for a long moment, and started to let go of Lily's hand. "You two should room together…" He clearly wanted to claim Lily as his roommate, for obvious reasons, but… he knew Elia didn't much care for the other teens, and he was trying to be nice.
Lear pointed to a bigger tent. "That's where food will be served tonight. Once you've picked your tents and partners, join us in there and we'll let you all know what's going on while we're here."


(I'm crying I'm laughing so hard XD)

Elia got out of the wagon as soon as they stopped, needing to stretch her legs and get away from the other and their annoying bickering. They had been going on and on about who the prince preferred and which guard was the most attractive. She was tired of it and wanted to get away from them as quickly as possible.
"She's all yours, Calvin, as long as she's okay with it." She knew of the bond they shared and wanted nothing but happiness for them. She prayed they would not be separated in the future to come but had no doubt Calvin would find her even if they were. She gave them each a ruffle on their hair before walking away.
She ignored the others as they paired up, going straight for Lear. "I need to speak with the prince. Now preferably."
She was impatient and tired and sore from sitting in a wagon all day. This reflected on to her mood drastically. With the look on her face, she was in no mood to play. She had business to attend to with the prince and she wouldn't be kept waiting.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(I'm glad. Lear can be sassy XD )

Calvin looked grateful as he tightened his grip on Lily's hand and nodded quickly. Lily blushed and smiled at him, clearly very ok with it.
Lear glanced at the position of the sun. "He'll be in the city till tonight. We're just about a mile out from Calegon. But, if there's anything I can help you with, let me know." He turned and quickly counted the smaller tents. "I believe there's one extra, which means you could have your own, for now at least." He began walking towards the bigger tent. "Grab your chest, claim a tent, and come get some food. You'll want to know what's going on this week."
The wagon had stopped on the edge of the campsite. The smaller sleeping tents were set up towards the middle, around a large bonfire that would keep them warm. There were 2 bigger tents, the tent they'd been instructed to meet in, and another tent with the royal crest on it. The whole campsite was ringed with trenches, berms, and the various mounts of the soldiers. The Wulves were intimidating creatures, and the horses only slightly less so, with their desert strength end endurance and their fiery temperaments.


Elia muttered curses under her breath as she walked away to charm sweet Alak into grabber her trunk. It didn't take long for her to get situated in the tent. There really wasn't anything to unpack. She just combed her hair and put it in a simple braid down her back to keep it out of the way. She had wanted to cut it several times but the Madame had always forbid her to go any shorter than the end of her rib cage. Now that she was free to do as she pleased, supposedly, she may cut it shorter.
She walked to the tent to grab some food, not particularly picky on what they gave her. No matter what food they had, it was likely she had had worse. She stood on the outskirts, picking at her food. Her appetite was almost nonexistent. She was too riddled with anxiety to care to eat, though her body and face didn't show it. She was a master in schooling her features and hiding her emotions.
She was worried about the future, what would become of them, of her. She had no use out of the brothel. She knew no other life, at least not one she wanted to remember. The closer to the palace they, the more anxious she would be. She didn't belong, there anymore. She would rather die than be the prince's personal whore and be holed up in a palace filled with people who would want her dead should they know she existed.
Her hands itched for a glass of wine, just wanting to take the edge off. She hated the feeling of getting drunk but relied too heavily on it to help just take the edge off. She refused to admit she had a problem though, and as long as she performed with excellence. the Madame didn't care how much she drank. The more wine she consumed, the higher her debt.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Alak had been charmed easily into carrying her trunk. He'd set it near the cot. The sleeper tents were minimal, but nice. Cot with soft sleeping pad and warm blankets. Small brass pot full of lit coals to keep the room warm. Little nightstand made of a sawn-off log. Long bar connecting the tent poles that also allowed for clothes to be hung. Repeat the setup on the other side.
The food in the meeting tent was warm and nourishing. Some of the guards had been hunting, so they had roasted venison, as well as more of the fruit from earlier. It was simple, but filling. There was only water to drink, mostly because the guards didn't want to deal with a bunch of drunk teenagers.
The bigger tent had rows of tables, with long benches on both sides. Most of the teens had sat at one, and most of the guards at the other. However, Lear was sitting on one end of the nearer bench, talking to Calvin and Lily. Or, mostly to Calvin it seemed. Lily had her head on his shoulder and appeared to be asleep already.
Lear noticed Elia and motioned her over. "You're the last, we were just going to fill everyone in on the plan for the week." There was plenty of room on either bench for her to sit.
"You'll have to catch Lily up later." Lear chuckled to Calvin, who just blushed and smiled at the sleeping girl.

Lear stood and cleared his throat. "Alright, now that we're all here: we are currently camped outside of Calegon, one of the bigger cities on this side of the Kindgom. The Prince plans to spend about a week here, as he did at Lakeside. During that time, he may ask for your help with things in the city. There are ways you can be of help in what he is trying to do." Lear held his hands out, palms down. "You will not be forced to do anything, and nothing will be asked of you that I would not do myself. But there are ways in which you may be more effective than one of the guards." He smiled. "The Prince plans to repeat what he did at Lakeside. He has done it many times before, so this is nothing new. Another set of guards will arrive here tomorrow, and they will eventually become the peacekeeping force for Calegon. We may also gain other people as the Prince frees them from their situations. We will put up more tents, but if there are many of them, we may ask you to add a third person in your tents." He paused, thinking. "Food will be served here three times a day. Breakfast will be simple fruits, unless one of you would like to volunteer to cook breakfast. Lunch and supper will be more complete meals, and you're free to offer suggestions and criticisms, as long a you're willing to chip in to help make those suggestions or fix those criticisms." He pointed to a guard seated at the other table, who stood and waved. "If you need anything, you can come to me at any time. If I'm not avaliable, you can see Carth, and he'll help you. If you don't see either of us, ask any guard, and they'll direct you to whoever is in charge."
He glanced at Elia. "The Prince will be available in the mornings and late evenings, although by the time he returns from the City each night, you'll all likely be asleep. Your best chance to see him, if you must, is in the early mornings, just before breakfast."
He smiled at the group. "One more thing: you're not our prisoners. If you decide you'd like to go into the Calegon, you can. Just let somebody know so we don't lose you. If you decide you'd like to stay there, you can. Just let us know so we know not to hunt you down. We're not here to force you to do anything, just to protect and help you thrive. But please let us know your intentions if you make decisions." He paused, thinking for a moment. "I believe that's all. This is supper for the night. You're free to do as you please, but be aware that this forest is not tamed, despite the city nearby. Don't get eaten."
He sat back down at the table to finsh his meal, as the chatter in the tent slowly picked up again.