forum A Sub-Atomic Magical World of War (Closed! Stalkers Welcome!)
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Deleted user

(Oh turd nuggets. Uhhh, those characters are flipping amazing XD idk what to do now)

Deleted user

(Eh, they aren't even my best. Wren and Argentum are my best ones, lmao!)

Deleted user

(I love those two!! Idk… should it just be you and serpentess? I can stalk XD)

Deleted user

(Doubt it. Your characters are some of my favorites on Notebook.)

Deleted user

(Alright, here’s my gorl)
Name: Jezzetta Mordekaie
Aliases/Nicknames: Etta, The Invisible Weapon, Silver Blade
Race: Cyborg?
Model/Type (For the robotic characters): Illegal experiment - no designated model type (made from many different models of other robots)
Age: (Or year made, for the robotic characters) 18
Personality: Extremely deadpan, often never shows emotions. However, has a soft spot for other mistreated androids and often misses her family. She softens when she sees someone crying.
Abilities and powers (Whether they be technological or magical): Very good at killing, is equipped with knives and guns throughout her person, has advanced physical abilities and senses. Can download information via her brain. Can read thoughts if connected to enough power.
Appearance: here, have a sketch I did in 5 minutes with my finger
Likes: relaxing, exploring, getting away from her bosses, coffee, finding new parts to replace
Dislikes: going on missions, having to hurt people, losing her parts or becoming more robot than human
Other: has a complicated past - got in an accident when she was young, and was kidnapped while still unconscious. Her captors replaced most of her broken body with robot parts, part of a widespread illegal operation. As one of the only people that survived the surgery, she is sent on “missions” to kill, steal, rob, and spy with her advanced abilities.
Theme song: BUZZCUT - LoveLeo

Deleted user

(I’ll have my second one up in a sec! He’s pretty complicated :’)

Deleted user

(Here comes the boyyyy)
Name: SAM (Self-Learning Automatic Mechahumanoid)
Aliases/Nicknames:Sam, Sammy, The Weapon
Race: Intelligent Android
Model/Type (For the robotic characters): An experiment used to benefit humanity, it backfired as how overpowered it became. Eventually it caused a widespread catastrophe, leading to it being locked up. Sevral crime groups and greedy governments were constantly after it though, and it was stolen multiple times, used for evil bidding.
Age: (Or year made, for the robotic characters) He’s about 78, acts 15
Personality: very very shy and nervous. Scared of what he’s capable of. Very self depreciating and does what everyone else tells him to
Abilities and powers (Whether they be technological or magical): can make bombs, search out the universe for any data, can kill someone just by looking at them, extremely strong, can fly, the list goes on
Appearance: looks like a regular, scrawny boy. But has ghostlike eyes and rests somewhere in the uncanny valley. His hair is void-white, almost matching his light peach skin. He would appear to be albino, but with golden eyes and dark eyebrows. He typically wears long-sleeved shirts or sweaters, with thick pants. something to cover up his robotic appendages. (I’ll get a ref up later lmao)
Likes: Looking at flowers + enjoying the beauty of natural things, learning more about humans, sipping tea.
Dislikes: “Bad people”, weapons, being used as a weapon, programming that keeps him from disobeying orders
Other: definitely gives off 11 from stranger things vibes XD
Theme song: Someone Else’s dream - Absofacto

Deleted user

(Nah, I'm sure we'll manage to wreck it anyways, as I'm currently doing with Lucitius, lmao!)

Deleted user

(true, true! I only have a basic outline of my character's backstories, because I kind of came up with them during english, so im planning on revealing that in the story lol)

Deleted user

(Lmao, okay! I have a bit on both of mine as well, and will not reveal any of Val's because you both know her already. And besides, she does not do well with horrible people like Malcolm.)

Deleted user

(oh gee. and he probably invented, or at least made the advancements, to make my depressed boi D':)