forum How can i create a simple yet inruiging religion? Please help!
Started by M

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I'm looking to create a story in which a religion does not play a huge role, but would still be a great addition. Maybe a religion that is against magic and elements? Thanks!

Conor Ginnell

In what way does it not play a huge role?

You could have a religion that manifests as a guiding philosophy with a minor attached mythos.
A religion that's against the magic and elements could manifest by having values that are contrary to the use of magic, and associates certain vices with the use of magic. For example, your religion might value hard, simple work. Contrast that by depicting wizards and other magic users as popmous, pretentious, and lazy. Alternatively, depending on the nature of magic in your story, magic could be a mysterious force that's difficult and dangerous to reckon with, depicting magic users as profane or power-hungry.

If you want your religion to play a smaller role in society, avoid things like religious holidays, traveling evangelists, prominent religious iconography, or a central religious establishment.


In what way does it not play a huge role?

You could have a religion that manifests as a guiding philosophy with a minor attached mythos.
A religion that's against the magic and elements could manifest by having values that are contrary to the use of magic, and associates certain vices with the use of magic. For example, your religion might value hard, simple work. Contrast that by depicting wizards and other magic users as popmous, pretentious, and lazy. Alternatively, depending on the nature of magic in your story, magic could be a mysterious force that's difficult and dangerous to reckon with, depicting magic users as profane or power-hungry.

If you want your religion to play a smaller role in society, avoid things like religious holidays, traveling evangelists, prominent religious iconography, or a central religious establishment.

In my story, there is such things as magic and the 4 elements are represented as people. The people of my world don't want to believe this though. I would like for one of these people to go to a church-like place every Sunday to worship. The religion will not play a massive role in the plot, but I need it to be believable as everyone in the world believes in it.


Maybe you can create a religion that's somewhat similar is Islam or Christianity. Something that impacts people's choices and lives but not something that consumes their thoughts. You can maybe create a god/goddess-like person that people look up to and a devil-like person that people despise. In that religion you could maybe create a law that says magic and elements are bad and if you talk about it you'll be punished or something like that. I don't know what time your book is supposed to be set in so the laws of that world could be different, but it's just a suggestion.


I would say have a character’s personality influenced by this religion. Instead of creating something complex, establish a few important principles and have your character follow them or include them in their lives. Religions thrive because people continuously follow them. Like, most people don’t go spouting stuff about God (though some do); instead, they devote themselves to charity or try to be kind and forgiving.


Actually, research existing religions and get more into mythology. You can get many good ideas, I have a religion based a little around Buddhism, not exactly like it mind you, but if you write something people can relate to or can grasp as they've heard of something similar before, then people might be more intrigued.