forum Creation Myths?
Started by @WaitingCynicism Beta Tester

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@WaitingCynicism Beta Tester

How exactly do you all create an interesting creation myth? For reference, my religion is sort of a pseudo-Christianity like the Faith if the Seven from ASOIAF.

Deleted user

I haven’t read ASOIAF but I do want to help you as much as possible. Could you explain more what kind of myth you’d like? Do you want a higher being(s) type thing or the before generations recreating stuff? That doesn’t make any sense, but what type of myth do you want?


Creation is really one thing that has no real right way of doing it. In my world, the pantheon of major gods went into council and offered powers and things that would be used to create, not the entire universe, but the pocket the story is set in. This is the current running theory among clerics and theologians, and just an example of what I was talking about. If you had more information, I'd be happy to help.


real mythologies have the freaking wildest creation myths. a lot of mythologies have a primordial…something that everything emerges from. like a sea of milk, and a lotus flower appears out of nowhere and theres a snake i think and then God! (hinduism) so feel free to go hog wild. like, there was a giant mass of nothingness, then something appeared! then that something created something else! and so on. like in hinduism and i think norse mythology, think of symbols and things that are culturally very important to the culture that the religion is attached to, then make it appear out of nothingness and create everything, like how the lotus is a symbol in hinduism that you see everywhere and is really important to Indian cultrue. hope this helped!

Mt. G router

Creating a compelling creation myth involves a combination of imagination, creativity, and attention to detail. Here are some general steps you can take to create an interesting creation myth for your new religion:

  1. Determine the basics: Decide on the major elements of your creation story, such as the creation of the universe, the emergence of the first beings, and the role of the gods or other supernatural beings in the process.

  2. Draw inspiration from existing myths: Read and research creation myths from various cultures and religions for inspiration. Take note of common themes and motifs, such as the creation of the world from chaos or the emergence of life from a primordial sea.

  3. Develop your own unique twists: While it's good to draw inspiration from existing myths, try to add your own unique twists and details to make your creation myth stand out. Consider incorporating elements that reflect the values and beliefs of your religion.

  4. Use vivid language and imagery: Use descriptive language and vivid imagery to help bring your creation myth to life. Consider using metaphors and allegories to convey deeper meanings and symbolism.

  5. Consider the implications: Think about how your creation myth will shape the beliefs and practices of your new religion. Consider how it will influence the way your followers view the world and their place in it.

  6. Test it out: Once you have a rough draft of your creation myth, share it with others and get feedback. Revise and refine it until you have a compelling and coherent story that resonates with your audience.

Overall, creating an interesting creation myth is a process that requires time, creativity, and careful attention to detail. By drawing inspiration from existing myths, adding your own unique twists, and using vivid language and imagery, you can create a compelling story that reflects the values and beliefs of your new religion.