forum Who wants to do a one-on-one summer camp roleplay?
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Requirements and Information:

(Not a requirement, but would be nice) Be a Christian
Has been to a summer camp before
Have two characters, one boy and one girl
This is a modern camp, with faucilities. I am basing my RP off of this camp in PA
Be nice (duh).
Please make sure that you won't quit on me.
If you have a mean character, have a nice one to balance it out. If you have a shy character, have a not-shy one. You may have two nice characters and two not-shy ones.

That's about all. Oh, and here's the character template:

Sexuality(if not straight):

Our girl characters will both be in the same cabin, and same with the boys.
Try to range the age around 12-15.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


Name: Calista Anderson
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality(if not straight):Bi
Appearance: Long,straight, jet black hair that hangs just above her butt, bright green eyes, 5’3”, curvy
Attire: crop tops of sorts; usually on the tighter side but not too short, denim shorts or skirts, converse or sandals.
Personality: very bubbly, extrovert, fragile and easy to break, smart, quick witted, rebellious
Hobbies: singing, dancing, painting
Other: she wears glasses

Name: Brennan McCarthy
Age: 15
Gender: male
Sexuality(if not straight): straight as an arrow
Appearance: light brown hair styled in a low fade, piercing blue eyes, 6’3”, fairly muscular
Attire: a solid colored short sleeve, khakis or cargo shorts, vans.
Personality: very kept to himself, makes friends fairly easy, definitely the mom friend of a group, will speak his mind if he feels strongly enough about a topic but won’t say much if he doesn’t care about the discussion topic
Hobbies: reading, (to be developed)
Other: he’s a football and baseball player at his school
(Hope they’re okay!)


They're great!

Light brown hair with a hint (just a hint) of strawberry blonde hidden in there. He stands at 5 foot 2 and freckles in the sun. He has pink cheeks and an amazing smile. Today, he wears a pair of jean shorts and a solid emerald green t-shirt. His tennis shoes sport green stripes.
He is very shy and introverted, rarely talks to strangers, and has a habit of biting his lips when he gets anxious, but he has an amazing smile.
Otis plays guitar and enjoys reading. His best friend is Annika.

Chocolate brown hair that goes down to her bottom.Annika is very curvy, and is a bit large. She prefers to draw and talk than play volleyball. She stands at 5 foot 2 also, and has braces. Today, she is wearing her favorite pair of jean shorts, along with her oversized navy blue Bob Ross t-shirt (which is also what I'm wearing. Hm. Yep, totally a coincidence).She sports coral-strapped sandals.Her camo hoodie is tied around her waist.
She has a happy,bubbly personality and is very social.She is an amazing singer. Her best friend is Otis.


Annika and Otis hopped out of Annika's mom's car and went through the registration process. It came to picking their nametags. Oh dang, how will they prounounce it this time? Annika thought to herself. "Ok, here's Otis Hartford and Ann-ickuh,Ann-eeka, Ann-ie-kuh,um…here." Annika and Otis smiled at each other and walked on. They were greeted by a cheerful rotund woman who was gonna tell them their cabins. "Ok, Otis, you're in Cabin 3,England, and you,honey, are in Cabin 7, Hondoras." the woman said in a Southern accent. "AUSTIN! Take this young man to his cabin, and get Anna on your way out to take this young lady to hers." Austin smiled at Annika (they were cousins), and led Otis out. Annika's mom hugged her daughter and Anna led her to Hondoras.


Calista was already in her cabin, Cabin 7. She was itting on her bed earbuds in, an iPod in her lap, singing.
Brennan had jut arrived at the cabin and had chosen a bunk. He set his bag at the foot of the bed and pulled out a book to start reading while other campers were arriving and getting settled in.


(You're actually not allowed to have tech at most camps, especially not Christian camps, which this is unless you want it not to be)

Annika was greeted by a cheerful lady named Jackie. "Welcome! Here, have this fill-out sheet so that we can learn a little more abut you!" Annika picked a bed. She smiled at her cousin, Kylie and Kylie's friends, Anna and Carissa. She chose a bed above an empty bunk.

Otis walked into the cabin, was greeted by his counselor, and kept his head down. He chose a bottom bunk in a corner, to be noticed as little as possible. He immediatly began doodling in his notebook.


Jackie walked over to Calista. "Honey? I like your singing, but you're not allowed to have tech or anything at camp. I'm going to have to ask you to put it away, or I can hold on to it until the end of the week."


(She’s a little on the rebellious side)
Calista saw another girl walk in with her aunt Jackie.
“Cali sweetheart you know your not supposed to have your iPod out”
“Jackie, I have to listen to music. I have a big concert coming up right before school starts. I can’t not practice!” She pleaded.
“Fine but you can’t have it out 24/7. Just in your spare time”


Brennan opened his book and began reading just as another boy walked in. He didn’t say anything but watched him walk to a corner alone before turning to his book and beginning to read.


(Whoops, I forgot to say that Jackie was the counselor! :)

"Sweetie…you may sing, but I'm afraid that you can't have your IPod. It breaks camp rules, and it's not fair to the other girls. You have to put it away, or I'll need to confiscate it. I'm sorry."


Otis hunched his knees up to his chest and set his notebook on top of them. He began to draw. He quietly hummed a calming, quiet song. His eyes suddenly widened. He forgot to set up his bed. He set it up, then rusumed sitting, humming, and drawing.


Jackie sat down next to the girl. A younger teeneage girl, the junior counselor, Ayanna, came over and dismissed Jackie. "Calista, I will have to confiscate the device. You can't have it around. If you give it to me, I won't use the device, it will be safe. Just turn it off and hand it over. If this persists, I will have to call a parent and ask them to come pick you up. The easiest thing to do would be to either put it away or just give me the iPod. I will not make an exception." Annika glanced over. Wow, wonder what THAT'S all about… she thought. She put on her headphones and started singing. "I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart…"


“Fine I’ll put it away. I still want to call my mother though.” She said shutting it off and shoving it in her bag. i told mother this was going to hurt my career. She said it would be fine and they wouldn’t care.


"Oh! Thank you" Ayanna said as she took the paper. Now,why don't you say hi to some of the people that you'll be living with for the next two weeks" she said with a smile.

Annika looked over at Calista with a smile, still wearing her headphones. She resumed singing.