forum True Lab of His True Intention (O/O) (Rated M)
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Deleted user

The mansion was quiet. Overtop it seemed peaceful and delicate, the furniture all standing upright and all in place. The carpet still felt soft under her carefully treading feet, the walls had some peeling paint here and there, but it was not too major. The favt that it used to belong to a crazy scientist who did horrific things (and the darkness) made it creepy and strange.
Around her, there was a flight of steps leading up, past the living room was the kitchen, with a basement door, and a door behind her led to the patio.

Deleted user

(( Pick a path~ EEEEEEEEEEEEE! !!! This is so cool))

Sage went through the living-room and into the kitchen. She inspected the area, tucking her hands in the pockets of her jacket. Her attention turned to the basement door.

That's definitely where all the sketchy stuff is…. And that is why she turned on her heels and walked back to the steps. She climbed the flight of stairs and continued into the darkness of the halls.

Deleted user


The hallways around her seemed to breathe as she walked down them. There were closed doors which all looked the same at each side. One to her left had no lights. One to her right had no lights. One down the hall had no lights. They were either so old that they burnt out, or they just were not turned on.

Deleted user

Sage expected the darkness. This place hadn't be inhabited in 10 years. Some scientist had left it high and dry with his untimely death.

That scientist… She remembered reading about him a couple of days ago online . The man had literally given up his life for his work, looking for solution against disease. Sadly, he didn't find one. She shook her head, letting the thoughts fly away. It wasn't helping lighten the mood by thinking about a dead man….even if this was his mansion…. But she couldn't help but wonder…

If this was his place, was his lab somewhere in this .mansion as well? With newfound motivation, Sage raced back down to the first floor, into the kitchen, and faced the basement door. Her heart ran a marathon within her chest and her palms sweat. She was obviously afraid, but she was going to go regardless. "This is a chance of a lifetime." she told herself as she cued the flashlight on her phone. She turned the doorknob and slowly entered.

Deleted user

The door did not creak creepily as she opened it. In fact, it didn’t seem to make a noise at all and it swung open for her readily. The black belly of the flight of steps awaited her like a hungry dragon, the smooth-looking handrails at each side of the flight. Her flashlight cut into the darkness like a knife to a large cake. Fast then simmered out before it could reach a wall or floor. The lab was silent, apart from a strange soft humming noise from deep within the lab.

Deleted user

The fact that this place wasn't creepy was causing her more discomfort than it should've. There were no cobwebs and dust like it should've been. The doors and stairs didn't squeak with years of neglect. And a distant hum could behead deep into the basement, perhaps a machine of some kind?

At least Sage wasn't wrong. As she descended into the darkness, she craned her neck to inspect the sights within the path of her light. This was definitely his lab. Only now….Sage no longer desired to be here. She stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked about.

Deleted user

The humming got louder as she paused at the bottom of the steps. It didn’t… one might think her crazy… sound like a machine. It sounded like a human. Or something human-like. The voice humming sounded very cracked and out of tune, and it grew closer and closer, though she was not moving. Despite how she waved her light, it didn’t seem to pierce into the belly of the deep hound of darkness settled over the area.

Deleted user

This was not normal. Sage gripped the railing, fear eating away at what confidence she had left. That noise, the humming, it was getting closer. A whimper escaped from her as she waved her flashlight about frantically, trying to see what was approaching her. But the light didn't make a dent in the darkness around her, it was so thick and impenetrable.

Deleted user

The humming got so loud she could make out that it sounded like a small child mixed strangely with an old lady. Something dragged down behind the thing as it hummed and squelched by. She could feel a strange brush of skin as it passed her slowly, then on down the echoing hallways. It didn’t seem to notice her.

Deleted user

With a gasp, Sage stumbled back, moving to the other railing. "What in the heck was that?" she breathed as her heart began to pound furiously in her chest, resting to bust out and run far far away from this mansion whether she followed or not.

Her ears followed the thing as it passed, the humming and squelching continued. A monster! Her mind screamed and Sage was quick to agree –

Except, monsters didn't exist. So it couldn't have been that, right?

Deleted user

The humming faded slowly into gentle echoes. Soon she heard a soft, male’s, human voice. It was soft and deep with a tad of rumble. Whomever it was seemed to be greeting the monster who passed, since the humming cut off. His— or its— voice seemed to be calm and soothing, but she couldn’t make out what it was saying.

Deleted user

Sage perked curiously. Someone was down here? She made to follow the voice but she stopped. That thing just went in that direction and she did not want to cross paths with it. Yet, all the same she needed to find someone if they were down here, or this all would be a waste. She inched a bit closer towards the voice, her flashlight lowered to light the path of her feet.

Deleted user

The voice continued on its rumbling, soft hum of speech. It seemed to be fading as the probably weird pair walked away from her. The monster hummed happily, and that was the last thing she heard.

Deleted user

"Dammit! " Sage hissed as the voice faded. Now, she had nothing to guide her AND she didn't know where the steps were now. There was nothing but darkness all around, her light was doing nothing more then lighting a few feet in front of her. But she couldn't just sit here and wait for something to find her, so she begrudgingly continues, cursing herself all the way for losing sight of the steps.

Deleted user

She reached a distinguishable fork in the hallways, where she heard the male’s soft laugh from the left hall. It sounded mildly clear, so they must’ve stopped in the time that she was walking and when she lost them.

Deleted user

Sage paused at the fork. She listened to the voice again. It was definitely a man and he was talking to that thing. She lowered her flashlight to the ground so it wouldn't be seen and snack closer to the hallway. Maybe she could hear him now….

Deleted user

As she reached the point of which his voice was coming from, a dim light caught on her eyes. It was enough for her to make out two forms, one horrifically large, and the other small and normal. The smaller one was reaching up to the larger one, probably feeding it something. He seemed to just be humming to it now, with little spikes of laughter.

Deleted user

It was a monster.

Sage gasped and scrambled backwards. It really was a monster and that man was feeding it! A scream rose in Sage but she forced it away as she backed away. She had to find the steps. Now.

Deleted user

She simply ran back against the wall, which seemed to startle the smaller form. He looked over, squinting slightly in the darkness,
“Who is there?” He called out, the monster crooning softly behind him.

Deleted user

Sage shook her head even though he couldn't see her, not yet. Her phone slipped from her hand and fell to the ground. But she hardly registered it as she took off.

Deleted user

He walked forward just as he heard the pitter patter of footsteps. He shook his head, then bent down to pick up her phone. He shone the flashlight directly in his eyes, whishpch he shook his head off, turned around the phone and turned it off. Now it was time to find this person before they got lost.

Deleted user

"C'mon, where are they?" She growled as she ran. The steps hadn't seemed this far when she was walking away from them. Why had she dropped her phone like a idiot? There was nothing but black around her, she couldn't see at all. What if she'd already passed them?

Deleted user

She must have turned around somehow somewhere because before she knew it she was getting grabbed by strong hands.
“My dear lady,” The man panted, “may I ask what you’re doing here?”

Deleted user

Sage could easily say that she had never screamed as loud in her entire life. Her scream was bloodcurdling as she kicked and fought against the man. She hadn't even registered what he'd said.
"Let me go!" she screamed. "Let me go, you creep!"

Deleted user

The man gave her a concerned look and let her go, furrowing his brow. “Please do not scream that loud. You could wake up Red. And here you dropped your phone.” He nudged the tech on her shaking, flailing hand.